Before you lies a beast... it's skin is murky and dark, with splashes of bright, unnatural color. It peers down at you with an eerie red gaze. Its claws flex and easily catch your attention as they scrape at the ground before it. Silently, it shifts, getting to its feet. It's long, striped tail leaves marks in the dust as it steps closer to the edge of its perch. Peering down at you, with it's chin held high, the thing hums.
As it takes a moment to think, it's mouth parts, revealing viridescent membranes. Out flicks it's green tongue, picking apart the particles of the air. An attempt to discern the new scents you bring... and your intentions.
As it studies your being, a sudden realization floods through you...
This thing is the size of a fucking subway sandwich. Well... maybe two, but seriously, it's hardly a thing to worry about- It lunges, landing on your face, it bites down on your nose. Its fangs are sharp, small, but very efficent.
You throw it off of you but it gets to its feet immedietly, chasing after you. It moves quickly, and as you try to get away, it follows close, Nipping at your heels. Your face begins to sting, is this creature venemous?
It scurries through your pockets, finding a pen and gripping it within its jaws before quickly returning to its perch. It gnaws at the casing, the ink starting to spew out. It drains the pen, a very odd sight. The creature's green tongue laps away any stray drops. Then it throws the empty casing at you, which bounces off your head dramatically.