Chatbox |
distant-lands |
so many art things to work on yet i wanna design a new oc :> my priorities are not straight lmao |
distant-lands |
well that's a weird glitch. i put something up for sale in my market den and now i can't take it down ^^' it's not listed in the dropdown |
PicoDeGato |
If a wolf is short and their neat coat smells like clover, is that just making fun of them? Because they're super close to the ground? 🤠|
SunriseAtDawn |
Morning glory howls at the moon. Stats: Spirituality +1 Mood: Soulful First wolf to do this cool |
SunriseAtDawn |
Ooo I not know that chat wasn’t refreshed I not see the theme said I apologize |
Quests |
Alliance Battles |
Challenges |
![]() | Jackal : -1 |
![]() | Jaguar : -4 |
![]() | Water Moccasin : -2 |
Chatbox |
distant-lands |
so many art things to work on yet i wanna design a new oc :> my priorities are not straight lmao |
distant-lands |
well that's a weird glitch. i put something up for sale in my market den and now i can't take it down ^^' it's not listed in the dropdown |
PicoDeGato |
If a wolf is short and their neat coat smells like clover, is that just making fun of them? Because they're super close to the ground? 🤠|
SunriseAtDawn |
Morning glory howls at the moon. Stats: Spirituality +1 Mood: Soulful First wolf to do this cool |
SunriseAtDawn |
Ooo I not know that chat wasn’t refreshed I not see the theme said I apologize |
How do I purchase a Premium account, Premium Items/Features, or Apples? How do I get more Den space/Wolf slots? Wolf Questions How do I feed my wolves? How do I increase my wolf's health? How do I increase my wolf's stats? My wolves are too hungry to explore, and I don't have mushrooms to buy food. When will my wolf give birth? How do I breed my wolves? Why aren't my wolves showing up on the Explore page? How many pups can my wolf have? Do pups inherit character attributes from their parents? Why haven't my pups hunger and thirst decreased? Can my wolf be killed in battle? When do wolves age? How long do wolves live? My wolf is injured, how do I heal it? How do I buy more wolves? I Didn't Get My Starter Wolves. How Do I Get Them? General Questions What are the Free Range and The Heavens? Why can't I use the Chatbox? How do I use items? How do I earn Mushrooms and Apples? How do I get Apples? Why is my pack linked to other packs? How do I delete my account? How do I get more spaces in my den/food hole/item hole/roleplay stories/etc? What is the purpose of the rating function? How do I level up in the Explore? How do I unlock a new terrain? How do I keep other packs from stealing my food and relics? Why do I need to bury my food/items? Why can't I post in the forum? I Need More Help Than ThisHow do I feed my wolves? First you need to get some prey, either by hunting in the Explore feature, or by purchasing some prey from Realm > Marketplace > Slim's Foodstock. Then go to Pack > Food And Drink. Scroll down and there are options for feeding your wolves. You can also drink from that same location. My wolves are too hungry to explore, and I don't have mushrooms to buy food. You can get free food from Realm >Marketplace > Slim's Foodstock. Or you can visit the Hot Spring once per day and refill all of your wolves Hunger/Thirst/Health. This is found under Pack > Food And Drink. When will my wolf give birth? Pregnancy lasts for about 4 days. Why can't I use the Chatbox? You must be a member for 1 day before you can use the chatbox. How do I breed my wolves? Go to your Wolf's page and click the link that says Manage Your Wolf. There is an option for breeding your Alpha wolves. To breed a lower ranked wolf go to Realm > Trading Post and search for a wolf to breed to. Then click on their page and click the breed button. How do I earn Mushrooms and Apples? Mushrooms and Apples are the game currency. Mushrooms are earned by finding them during exploring, or selling relics to Realm > Marketplace > Montak's Antiquities. You can also earn mushrooms by selling breedings to your wolves, or by selling wolves. Or by selling art, if you are an artist. Apples are cash currency. You purchase Apples via Paypal, or in some cases you can sell wolves for apples. Why aren't my wolves showing up on the Explore page? If your wolves are very hungry, very thirsty, or very injured, they won't be able to explore. Additionally, pups aren't able to explore. They are too young to battle and stay in your den. If your wolf is in labor they won't be able to explore. In order to explore, your wolves must be marked as Explore Wolves. You find this feature on your Den page if you click the "i" next to the wolf's age to expand information about the wolf. How do I keep other packs from stealing my food and relics? You should bury your food and relics. If you don't have any more space to bury things, then you can buy additional space from the Realm > Marketplace > Barter page. How do I level up in the Explore? Once you explore every tile and defeat all enemies (prey not included) you will level up. Why do I need to bury my food/items? Other packs can raid your food and items while exploring. If you are exploring and find a den of the opposite allegiance you will try to raid their stuff. So bury it as soon as you can. How do I increase my wolf's health? Your wolf's health will increase over time. Every 15 minutes they will heal some, and the amount they heal is based on your Pack's Happiness, so keep them happy. Additionally you can purchase a Health Potion under Realm > Marketplace > Barter if you don't want to wait for them to heal. Once you have a Health Potion go to your wolf's page and click the Manage Your Wolf link to use the item. Additionally, you may drink from the Hot Spring once per day to restore all of your wolves' health instantly. This is found under Pack > Food And Drink How do I get more spaces in my den/food hole/item hole/roleplay stories/etc? Expansions can be purchased under Realm > Marketplace > Barter. What is the purpose of the rating function? This is a roleplay feature. If you like/dislike the character bio, stories, etc you can feel free to rate them. How many pups can my wolf have? Your Alpha pair can breed once per season. Your other wolves can breed outside the pack. Males can breed up to 3 times per season, and females can breed once per season. The number of pups a female produced is determined by the amount of charisma a male has and the amount of maternal attributes a female has. Do pups inherit character attributes from their parents? No, pups are a blank slate to build however you like. The only thing they inherit is their color and markings. Why haven't my pups hunger and thirst decreased? This is normal. Pups are nursing and don't leave the den. Can my wolf be killed in battle? No, they will flee back to the den with one health point remaining. How do I use items? You use items on the page they are relevant to. For example, if you have an item that affects a wolf, go to your Wolf's page and click Manage Your Wolf > Use Items. If it affects your den, go to your Den page and scroll down until you see the item to use. Same for Explore, go to your Explore page and there will be an option there to use the items. When do wolves age? Wolves age on the first day of spring. How do I get apples? Go to Realm > Marketplace > Barter and there is an option for purchasing Apples. Why is my pack linked to other packs? If you log in from a public location, or your friends/family's house, and someone there also plays the game it will link your packs. Once you log in from your own house it will unlink your packs. If you create your pack from the shared location it will permanently link your packs and you will need to contact Pack #1 to have them unlinked. How do I delete my account? There isn't a way to delete your account. Basic accounts will be deleted automatically by the game after 180 days of inactivity. Premium accounts will be deleted automatically by the game after 2 years of inactivity. So, if you would like your account deleted, don't log into it. How do I increase my wolf's stats? Each day you will receive 30-40 character points to assign to your wolf. To assign them, go to your wolf's page and scroll down to where it says Assign Character Points. Then you can allocate the points in whichever stats you prefer. Starting out, we suggest you train your wolves in battle, agility, perception, and luck. These will give a noticible advantage while Exploring. The Game Guide has further explanation about which attributes influence what in the game. How long do wolves live? Once a wolf turns 15 they have an increasing chance of dying each week. This happens on Sunday night. If your wolf passes away you can place them in your Memorial Garden. What are the Free Range and The Heavens? These are Game Accounts. If a wolf leaves your pack they will enter The Free Range. This is a temporary holding spot until they go to the Heavens. The Heavens is where deceased wolves are stored until they are deleted from the Game. As long as they have offspring, or are in a Memorial Garden they will remain there indefinitely. How do I purchase a Premium account, Features, or Apples? In the game menu go to Realm > Marketplace > Barter and click on the Apples button. You can purchase Apples with a credit card or gift card and use the apples there to purchase a Premium account. How do I unlock a new terrain? For each 10 overall levels you earn, you will unlock a new terrain. My wolf is injured. How do I heal it? If your wolf is injured there will be a red cross next to them on your Den page. It will also say on their Wolf page that they are injured, and it will list the color potion you need to heal it. Go to Realm > Marketplace > Barter > Search and search the Market Dens for the potion. After you purchase it, you can use it either on the Wolf Page, or on your Den Page. How do I buy more wolves? In the game menu, go to Realm > Marketplace > Trading Post. Click the "For Sale" checkbox, and any other option you like. Then click submit. A list of wolves for sale will display. Choose the ones that have good to excellent affinity with your pack. Why can't I post in the Forum? New members must wait one day before they can post in the forums. I Didn't Get My Starter Wolves. How Do I Get Them? Go to your Den Page and look in the top box. There should be links to the page to create your Starter Wolves. After two weeks you will no longer be able to create them. How do I get more Den space/Wolf slots? You can increase the size of your Den by purchasing slots in Barter. Go to Realm > Marketplace > Barter > Apples. There you will find options for puchasings Apples (Premium Currency), which can be used to increase the size of your Den. |