Note Please do not do Dad Jokes( The Hi what ever I said I am I'm pack name)
as I fucking Loathe that one okay look to me it's just invalidating and over used others Love it but to me its not funny so please if wanting to engage with me do so with other ways.
Note if you think I come off Harsh or mean don't be vague when saying that
tell me what on earth is the reason okay I cant tell.
also don't keep it up as it farther ticks me off
read below to see why
Note I Only do Pick of litter on my male wolves
Info on my and stuff
unless my wolves bio says otherwise to POL(You will get a male unless all are females) even then READ THE whole bio, all chims vitis are the same defect, or(and if dyed ) pelt color, Hight R ac only and or about 19T+
for all other defects NO POL UNLESS BIO SAYS OTHERWISE
If you have bred and agreed to POL please pm me when the pups are born or if you bred my wolves and dont want them
You MUST PM me BEFORE Breeding and no mush back if I say no okay DONT KEEP ASKING OR STUFF
I CANT BIO 700+ WOLVES OKAY IF I HAVE TO ENVOKE MODS, DONT BE Crying if I make you a ghost
Welcome to the pack of Serpents pack # 172007 don't steal my avatar
I drew it myself.
Pack moto 1:
No one can understand us misunderstood like snakes. Strong and deadly too venom and darkness, our fearsome howls pierce the night like the fangs of the serpents through flesh loyal to each other we fight as one.
I don't sell wolves, so don't ask okay,
If a wolf has a name no sale as I tend to FR(Free Range ) or Bone unwanted wolves
nicknames for all: AC ( wp airconditioning), Waterfall ( My Oc ), and Zane ( My fave Ninjago Character )and now P.I.X.A.L/Pix(Pixal)(My fave well one of female Ninjago Characters),
I love to take in wolves of all kinds
Rp rules:
must know and like Ninjago(the show)
Min for without OCS is season 4 with its 3
max is the current season
as for reply stuff, not a whole page but a few sentences is nice, reply at least every 2-5ish days unless you tell me you're going to be off
For RP, I do any gender pairings
as my profile says they turn dark (I love to add in lycans or stuff like that as if dragons and elementals exist why not other things)
Im okay with any ships side from Llorumi(as its abusive ) and nonfamiliar for Kai and Nya
Thanks for the lovely message sir skales now its the first rule
I'm autistic so I might act differently than lots of other people, so if I do something you dislike, please tell me instead of just blocking me or dropping me. It hurts my feelings very badly when this happens and I won't understand what I did if you don't tell me'
Dos and donts
Do: warn me before you go on a small haitis or need a brake
let me know when your unable to
as then ill give time off if needed only if forwarned
Do treat me kindly again negativity comes from past Bad experiences
FRUCKING BLOCK ME okay we are all 16+ here you know what that means we can use our words not be childish
GHOST me or just up and dip Look I know to you it may seem nicer see above part,
if you have an issue we can work it out like adults
I will also do Warrior cat rps Oc only
any pairings will do medcat X any or cross clan loves
all I ask is you know terms
Dont know why I feel the need to put this here but I will not tell anyone my Age b-day(as its shown when it is) nor my real name
on here I am ZANE or pixal okay
Welcome to the den of snakes home of the head of the Ninjago fan army/ resident Ninjago fan
for all who say its a kid's show be wary how you phrase it for I can be quick to anger,
being mean may get you banished to the cursed realm
(tenchaly an afterlife in my fandom more so for bad people )
unless you're civil about it and no one says it seems to be mean then leave it your opinion.
(putting this in as to keep the drama away o'might mods )
friends/ fellow army members
Second in command
Sir Skales or you common pheasants Destinations End/Desti
why they choose skales who is Pyhtor's 'disloyal '/right-hand man I mean snake.
Sir is from my former name for them
Fangtom: MIA
Aciducus: The Sketched Pad
if you're a fellow fan I'm open to chat and recruit more for the army
My avatar is meant to well hint at my fave ninja (formerly my wolf was in a white gi now silver.
Wolves based on my fave show are
Phoenix(Kai&his conical love interest )
newly add Borg(Pixal)
Garmadons(Lloyd, One for each side of his blood)
If I seem mean its maybe because I have a short temper but once I warm up I open up and show my more human side (In real life I say I have a robotic side )
Random Approval bagges I have
my wp Mums
Ravensrun's approval bages
Pigeon's approval badge
Violet echos Badge