Welcome to Boeing's OC corner! This is where I post every single character I've made for (likely a wolf) RP in. Feel free to take a read. :D (All are completely original, not taken from anything except my own imagination.) Please also note the formatting is a bit... funky. Don't mind meeeeee Also, is this updated, Boeing? No, absolutely not at all. I need to get better at that. This here is quite old and not-updated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer - DO NOT STEAL, TAKE, PLAGIARIZE OR TAKE ANYTHING FROM THIS. Please follow the character rules outlined in the game. I will hold you 100% accountable if I find any hint of plagiarizm or theft of characters. Thank you ^-^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Feb 2025 - I have finally given up on adding, editing and doing stuff properly here. I tried to motivate myself and failed lmao So you have two options here. Either you can wade through the mess of characters that is down below (and hasn't been updated in months) or you can just read a brief summary of them. Plus, this list is updated! Please note: Usually I like only putting them in one RP at a time. So if it's being used, then likely I'd prefer not to use them in anything new. However I have done it before and if you really prefer one of them, I can make an exception :D If they are listed as a side character, they are Open. I am willing to use them as a main if they are a side in a different RP. ALL CHARACTERS COME WITH A FULL 1000 WORD CHARACTER SHEET. This is just a summary. ~ Pendugo Originally a wolf OC, he sat unused near the very bottom of this page for a long time and has been revitalized as a human. Highly empathetic, really good defense but poor attack. Majored in Sociology and is attempting to become a diplomat (but this can be changed). Also optionally comes with a superpower of creating invisible force-fields or shields. Current Status: Open ~ Tamar A wolf pup OC. Fully dependent on his mother, and completely trusting, he is also the perfect bait for unsavouries who might want to influence his little puppy thoughts and make him join their side. Gullible, easily convinced... but "mama is always right". Also has a human form of about 8 years old. Current Status: Open ~ Fenrys 5 year old wolf that usually can be a beta or something high ranking (but not Alpha). Strict, stubborn, big and strong, but smart, and that's usually what makes the difference. He can keep his emotions on a tight lockdown too, so sometimes you may not know what he really feels like. Able to toe the line very well. Optionally comes with wings. Current Status: 1x1 Yukon's Castle x Boe ~ Nikolai One of my personal favorites to use. 3 year old wolf, usually assuming a Scout role. Extremely curious about the world around him despite being 3, small and lightweight, and extremely devoted to a mate should he have one. Nikolai's a really fun guy to just be around and goof around with in the RP, and he doesn't fail to make everyone smile a bit with his happy yet slightly innocent little nature. If there is a dispute in loyalty he is usually dead center - unwilling to get involved on either side. Current Status: Danger in the Darkness ~ Kayeni A princess with a superiority complex. One of my most developed characters solely due to a 500-post 1x1 with Zeraphia, she's retired now because if she's far too naturally resistant to change. She can try, but usually she's a bit slow. She could always try again, though :D Also optionally has the ability to shift into a wolf. Current Status: Open ~ Meliora Originally a peregrine falcon, Melie is a proud little bird that knows what she wants, holds pride in being sentient, and is a bit of a smart bird-brain. She knows what she's doing, and forms quite strong opinions. Suitable for RPs where there is sprit-animal bonding of sorts. Also has a dragon form. Current Status: Side Character for Stellaris Draconia (Open) ~ Deverick Originally a 3 year old wolf, also has a human form but cannot shift (either one or the other). Deverick ("Dev") is a chill guy who... is quite boring, honestly. He's an average wolf/human. The good thing about this is that from averageness and boringness... anything can come out of it. Suited for RPs where superpowers make themselves known throughout the RP, not at the start, or just being a side character as a happy little younger brother for his older sister, Lidiya (see below). Current Status: Side Character for 1x1 Wolf Pride (Open) ~ Lidiya Deverick's older sister, if the two of them are used in an RP simultaneously Lidiya will always emerge on top and Dev will usually be relegated to become a side character. Lidiya is a rather independent wolf/human (either one or the other, a lot like Deverick) that... "likes to go off and do her own thing." A bit of a bad girl, that essentially means that she's also rather attractive to a lot of the males. She only very rarely forms strong emotional bonds, but one of these is with her younger brother, which she really cares about, and when Lidiya cares... you don't want to get in her way. Current Status: 1x1 Wolf Pride ~ Leonid A guy that's pretty chill, really. Human (with the optional ability to shift into a wolf), Leo's just a regular college guy doing college-y things. That is, until he goes into the forest and shifts into a freaking wolf. Now, he's a bit more interesting. Current Status: 1x1 Grey x Bean ~ Nina Originally a winged wolf, now also has a human form (but cannot shift). Nina is Lidiya to the next stage - blonde hair, grey eyes that will drill a hole in you, and usually part of the mafia. She's absolutely devoted to her job, will knee men who look at her with a predatory look in the balls, and is fearless and will accomplish her job at any cost. Human form also comes with optional ability to become invisible. Current Status: The Apocalyptic One ~ Sartaq A male wolf I made and have barely used. Sartaq is... a nice guy, really. Specifically curated for the Alpha role (as Fenrys cannot), Sartaq is the kind Alpha that sometimes doesn't have the greatest idea, but likes his pack anyway. That is, until they don't like him anymore. Usually good for peaceful RPs. Current Status: Open ~ Yutaka A human engineer to the core. Yutaka is a stubborn (he likes to call it determined) engineer that displays the classic traits of being an engineer - forgetting to eat, accidentally cutting his hair in a rotating part in an engine... that kind of thing. He's an engineer, through and through. Current Status: Stellaris Draconia ~ Valeria Female human psychologist that is markedly similar to the revised, human edition of Pendugo. Empathetic, with much bark but not much bite. She just understands, and wants to help. Current Status: 1x1 Boeing x Kit Kat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This first divider is here. Anything below here (but above of the second divider) is currently in active use in an RP. Links are attached to the RP, if you'd like to see it ^-^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1x1 - Tonneoshet x Boeing
STATUS - 1x1 (IN PROGRESS) ~~~ qedvc Name - Kayeni Maddox Gender - Female Shifter Appearance - Kayeni is a proud woman that will always hold herself up straight. Her back will not slouch and her concentration will rarely waver. Deep hazel eyes set with high cheekbones, alongside a mane of dark brown hair, set her face to be as if in stone - barely wavering, even though there may be an internal war inside her. A cool, calm, collected demeanour radiates from her appearance, despite being slightly shorter than the average woman. As a wolf, Kayeni's long dark brown hair translates into a long chocolate coat, with black socks. Her muzzle has a demure set to it, and transitions from her chocolate-coloured coat to hazel head-covering, finally reaching a white tip at her muzzle. A slim white streak dashes underneath her underbelly - again, even in this form she is slightly smaller than her husband, but is willing to put up an even greater fight. Strengths - Kayeni is a passionate, proud person, and excels in people-dealing - diplomacy, requesting, conflict management, teamwork, you name it. Maybe she won't always succeed, but she'll give it her best shot. She is able to identify other people (or wolves) exceptionally well as a result - her facial recognition skills outpass many others by a long way. Even having only seen someone once, she will be able to recognise them. She also has a rather bright mind, instituting creativeness that some may see through ingenious (if not slightly unorthodox) problem-solving of various topics. This is a quiet strength she holds that gives her a slight edge over her opponenets - thinking "outside of the outside of the box", as she would phrase it. Her mental wellbeing, provided she knows that everyone is alright, is also strong. Having a high sense of empathy and understanding allows her to concentrate on a topic for a large amount of time, allowing her trademark concentration and dedication to make a strong appearance in her work. Weaknesses - Although Kayeni is passionate, and is great a dealing with people and things, she sometimes lacks the strength to carry out extremely harsh judgements, and is unable to run at high speeds for too long - in both forms. She isn't weak per se, but it's just something she is unable to achieve. Hence, physically she is slightly on the lower side. She does make up for this in terms of her strengths, but it is something that (at times) can be unavoidable. At points where there are too many things to deal with, on the very odd occassion she also breaks. While those unfamiliar with her won't realise anything wrong (only seeing Kayeni being Kayeni), those extremely close to her will realise when an internal meltdown is approaching, and take steps to avoid it. She also has a hard time dealing with losing those who she associates with closely. She can't bear the thought of having to continue life without someone who she is attached to - she can, and if the situation required it, would, but she would have a significantly harder time over it. Personality - Complementing her strengths, Kayeni is a rather strong people-person. She is decently empathetic, and will always try to coddle (in some slight form) the other members of the family. To everyone else, Kayeni appears to be (almost violently) passionate about what she does, and almost never gets flustered or "lost" when dealing with them. She emenates a calm demeanour, with underlying flames of dedication burning beneath it. She holds strong opinions of everyone around her, and everything that affects her. Sometimes bothered with trivial matters (for example - trying to understand why there is a branch on the floor when there is no tree within a hundred meters), however she is able to discard said matters from her mind should something more important come up. These currents of dedication and passion are displayed in various forms wherever she goes. She moves straight-backed, with an intent to do something displayed in her face almost at all times. Sometimes, these habits of focussing on the minute details catches up with her - if something really bothers her, she will get caught up in the details that no-one would bat an eyelid at. She works to train herself not focus on the minute details, but on the odd occassion she will still revert back to her old habits. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Placeholder because it's getting copied and pasted soon, but here's updated Nikolai! :D (Yay we brought back Nikolai, he hasn't had something good to be in for a while lol) ~ Name - Nikolai Age - 3 Gender - Male Rank: Loner wolf Scent - Orange and blackberry, and a touch of grass ~ Appearance - Nikolai wears a slightly off-white coat that forms a natural gradient along his side to resolve in a light brown that covers his tummy and hindquarters. This continues down his tail to form a black tip of it. The brown flows down his legs, but abruptly changes to four short gark grey (almost black) socks. Nikolai's underbelly of light brown continues up the underside of his neck, to stop just below the jawline. Here, his cheeks are a continuation of his off-white coat (which also covers the top half of his neck), but he has a greyish-black cap that tops off his head and his ears. Nikolai sports dark yellow eyes. Set in his off-white coat, this goes in contrast to the rest of his face. Nikolai's build is slightly more compact than the average wolf's build. He stands slightly smaller than the average male wolf, which he doesn't really like. Often, his fur will be slightly ruffled, partly due to his personality, and partly due to him wanting to appear slightly larger. ~ Personality - Nikolai has remarkable stubbornness when it comes to things. Once he's set his mind to doing something, it's remarkably hard to change his mind. This trait has been evident since his early years, and often drove his parents up the wall. This trait isn't as evident as it was before, but is still rather prominent in terms of his personality. Despite this, he can also be rather socialable. Not to the point of "I'm the coolest in the region and you all know it", but simply being able to have positive interactions with his fellow pack-mates, and viewing them with mutual respect for their abilities - no matter who they are. He has integrity - and loyalty too, for that matter. Nikolai is willing to follow an alpha, or be loyal to, anyone that he believes is doing the right thing. When they're not doing the right thing, however... Nikolai prefers to more or less kind of stand off. Unless it directly affects him (and this applies to much more than alphas), he will just kind of stand off and be the silent observer and judger. Nikolai, as stated earlier, also often comes with ruffled fur. The first part is his compact build - the second is that due to his compact build, he is more likely to try squeeze through smaller, tighter gaps simply because he can. While a larger, older wolf would have difficulty in doing so, it only gets Nikolai's coat ruffled. Doing such things has evoked a natural curiosity in Nikolai. He gets curious about the more minute aspects of life, and things he finds along his way. He simply wants to know more of the world around him. This contributes to his appearance, by either usually appearing rufled, or slightly dusty. However, he has an innate possessiveness of things that he thinks are "his", for example, a sleeping spot that he classifies as "his". This is where many of his main disputes will come around - his stubbornness contributes to the feeling that "this is mine and you can't touch it!" Mainly small trivial things, it rarely slops over into major disputes, but occasionally can. Nikolai, in terms of standing and mindset, is a very much "in the middle" kind of person. In terms of dominance, he'd usually sit somewhere in the higher ranks, but not enough to garner a special role or position. He's fine just living life as the main pack, but he'd sit somewhere in the higher sections of that role. And in terms of mindset, he's very... neutral. If the pack wants more progressionism, he'll accept it. If it's more conservationalism, he'll accept it. In terms of progression versus conservation, he sits almost exactly in the center of it - he just doesn't want to get involved in the disputes. He's fine where he is, and with no need to endanger anything by going either side, he's content to sit in the middle - and usually quite unwilling to budge from his position. This may attract attrition from both sides for him, but as long as he doesn't get on anyone's bad side majorly, he's content. ~ Strengths - - Curiosity. Nikolai is naturally curious about the world, and this trait persists far past his puphood. This is simply something he is naturally doing, andn ot something honed. - Defending - both mentally and physically. Nikolai is physically capable of defending things that he loves, and is also mentally equipped in verbal battles. While built on the more compact side of things, Nikolai is still able to pack decent punch against things he deems threatening. Weaknesses - - Stubbornness. Nikolai is remarkably stubborn (as stated before) when it comes to things. Once he is completely convinced that something is right, it's remarkably difficult to get him to change his mind. He gerenally judges people significantly harder on first impressions, and with a stubborn will, will continue to judge them similarly, despite if they show otherwise. - Unnecessary (and often trivial) things. Nikolai, on occassion, will be bogged down in his thinking by the most trivial matters. Rather than accepting it and going on, he will try to find a flaw in it (as his stubbornness shows). When everyone has already moved onto another topic, Nikolai will still be attempting to nit-pick the previous argument, and so on. ~ Other stuff: Uhh... it's modified a bit and I got far too carried away with "editing" the personality sorry >.> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` 1x1 - Graywing x Boeing STATUS - IN PROGRESS
~~~ ~~~ Name - Leonid ("Leo") ~ Male ~ Human/wolf shifter ~ Appearance; Leo has brown hair, green eyes and an angular jaw that clenches with stubbornness more often than he would appreciate it to. He stands at 5'9", and generally holds himself up straight as much as he can. Leo is built on more of the skinnier side of things. He may be considered underweight compared to everyone else, but this isn't exactly apparent when you come to meet him. As a wolf, he displays mostly hazel brown fur coating that develops into low black socks, and a black paintbrush tail. His green eyes remain the same, and similar qualities in his face can be seen in both his human and wolf forms. ~ Personality; Leonid has many defining personality traits. For one, he posesses an innate sense of what he thinks he is going to do is likely more correct. Sometimes called "stubborn" by other people, Leo has a keen moral compass, and usually uses this to his benefit. Hanging off that is Leo's "stubbornness". No, he doesn't call it stubbornness. He calls it determination. Even if he's in the wrong, he's still there arguing for his point. Stubbornness... determination... those two things blend together in Leo's mind. This may lead to him being completely overwhelmed by other people - especially in cases where there is no definitive right or wrong. Leo will often clench his jaw in such situations, and usually this would be their only warning that he isn't changing his mind. To people he is more comfortable with, however, he has more of an open mind - read, it is easier to change his mind. Yes, he still will be stubborn, but he's more likely to accept your opinion. Speaking of which, Leo's friendship circles are significantly more defined than others. To most other people, he seems like someone who wouldn't be the greatest of friends, but to those who know him he really associates himself with those he forms bonds with. Examples of this might be his fellow pack-mates that he is friends with. Leo mainly won't care about anything that doesn't affect him or anyone in his inner circle of friends. When something does, however, he has a fiery will and will defend his friends - sometimes with more passion than he would defend himself. This is another defining aspect of Leo's personality - he is loyal to those he believes is right. Even if they aren't. Loyal to a fault.
Although Leo's disposition may be high, Leo still posesses higher degrees of empathy than most people. This may sometimes be percieved as a weakness, however his beliefs and sstubbornness sometimes collude together in forms of his mostly empathetic nature should something need it. When it is not needed, however, this nature tends to tuck itself away, and Leo's main personality comes out. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Primal Instincts (Run by Nirvana_Sky) Character 1 of 2 STATUS - IN PROGRESS Name: Deverick Age: 2 Gender: Male Breed: 49% Common Eurasian Wolf, 51% German Shepherd (Czechslovakian Vlciac, upper bound of Low-Content) Rank: Subordinate Desired Rank: Content Appearance: (I had to search up a lot of these facts :P) Slightly small, just hitting 26 inches, and weighing on the lower spectrum of 66 pounds, Deverick could easily be mistaken as a large dog. Often, he has been. But he isn't, is he? With a muddy brown-ish coat leading to a light yellow underbelly, and a light silvery-yellow throat and face mask, Deverick sits exactly between the colourations of his two original breeds. Not as dark as his German Shepherrd roots, but not as grey and white as the common Eurasian wolf, his coat is - pretty much - a messy smush of colouration from his two breeds. With a straight medium coat, and yellow eyes - it's honestly a bit impressive his genetics have managed to integrate themself exactly in the middle. Personality: Deverick is quite posessive. What he thinks is "his" will be defended to literally the last moment possible. It doesn't matter what the thing is - his possessiveness says that it belongs to him and he's not going to let it go at all. Despite of this, Deverick... tries to be social. It's not like, as a wolf-dog hybrid, that he is - generally, he isn't that much - but usually he tries to be social... ish. Sometimes he does fail, and is left wondering what the hell did he do wrong? On occasion, this can even lead to a bit of an ego on his side saying "it was probably the other dog's fault" - something that, so far, no-one's told him otherwise, so how is he meant to know? Deverick also seems to have quite a lot of energy - not in the way that he can run all day, but more of the fact that when he chooses to (and he doesn't always), he can annoy others all day. It's honestly up to him, really, whether that annoyance is in a good, playful way or it's just a petty little way in a feud. Strengths: - Processing and thinking. Deverick is able to think, and process, new scenarios slightly quicker than others, giving him a small edge when it comes to it. - Scent identification. Likely due to his roots, his scent recognition is better than others - usually. - Hard worker (when he wants to be). With what he's got, provided he actually wants to do it, Deverick can put his mind to something and actually really try to do it. Weaknesses: - Obsessiveness. His trait of working as stated earlier can sometimes lead to obsessiveness, as well as the fact that his possessiveness can get in the way. - Sometimes unable to admit fault. Sometimes, he just can't see how is it his fault, and will blame it on someone else - even if it isn't their fault. - Peanuts. He absolutely hates peanuts after someone fed it to him once and he kept throwing up. Kin: Lidiya (Page 6) is his half-sister. Same Common Eurasian mother, but a different sire. His sire was pure German Shepherd, hers was mixed. Crush: Tentatively open? Mate: No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Primal Instincts (Run by Nirvana_Sky) Character 2 of 2 STATUS - IN PROGRESS Name: Lidiya Age: 3 Gender: Female Breed: 80% Common Eurasian, 20% Domesticated Shiba Inu Rank: Subordinate Desired Rank: Beta Why you deserve that rank?: Why can't she? Appearance: Lidiya is small for her age, weighing somewhere around 70 pounds. She's small, but small doesn't mean any less deadly. She sports white wings, speckled with grey dots amongst it. Her fur overcoat is much the same - white speckled with dark grey dots. Her underside composes of a gradient from the white and dark grey dots to a smooth, light grey underside. Lidiya's shoulders also are the same colour of light grey, cutting off the white and speckled grey like a collar, and giving her face more of a 50/50 split between the light grey of her collar, and a splotch of white on the top-right of her head. Personality: The first thought you may have of Lidiya is that she's a bit of a bad girl. Fur ruffled like she can't be bothered to tame it (although she does - sometimes), disobeying orders she doesn't think is right, and sometimes just wandering off without any explanation. Really, she's just a bit rebellious. And she doesn't like taking orders from anyone - no matter how highly ranked they are. Unless they've properly, properly earned the right - in her eyes - that they're to be trusted. So far, absolutely no-one has achieved that, not even the high-and-mighty Merlin. Alright, she may have a bit of an ego. Going off and "doing her own thing" is what, in her eyes, really benefits the pack. Sometimes it even does benefit them in a good way. It's those other times that we don't talk about. As long as it doesn't affect her, though, usually she'll stay out of it. "Not my business, with no intention of going into it" is a standard she sometimes goes by. Although this usually works to her benefit... sometimes it doesn't. When someone agrees with her, though, she's likely to become more understanding and willing to compromise. But that's the thing - usually, most of the othes won't agree with her. It's only when they do that they understand that if their goals are aligned, Lidiya can really make some progress on it. She's used to working by herself, and it's a bit odd for her to be working with others - if they agree with each other... then she'll give it a go. Because even she knows sometimes goals can't be completed alone. It is with those that agree (or at least, somewhat agree) with her that she'll be a bit more kind to, more empathetic, and hang around. Not those that sit down all day and give orders on behalf of everyone. Those who actually do the work which contributes to a shared goal that she agrees in. Unfortunately, the Alpha's goals rarely point in the same direction as hers. Else she'd be a lot more co-operative. Strengths: - Dedication to tasks. She is usually quite dedicated in her tasks (that usually she chooses herself) and can accomplish them with remarkable efficiency. Too bad the Alpha's ideas of what "tasks" should be done rarely align with hers. - Learning quickly. She is able to figure out and learn how things are done fairly quickly compared to the others - something that gives her a distinct edge in whatever she wants to do. - Agility. Lidiya is agile as heck. Her light weight only contributes to that. Weakness: - A bit self-centered. Her view of the world seems to dominate her thoughts. - Short fuse. She can go off extremely quickly if you begin to annoy her, which hopefully is rarely. - Sharing. Unless she is close to you, or you're collaborating with her, nuh-uh, she doesn't really want to share with you unless she has to. Kin: Deverick is her younger half-brother - same Common Eurasian mother, but different sire. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything below this line is RPs that are in the application process still. These are still slightly uncertain - I've learnt from past experiences that a lot of RPs die simply due to a lack of interest in the application stage. Hence they're kept seperate from the active RPs because... it's a lot more uncertain whether they're going to keep going... or drop down into the Archive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have nothing here! Yay! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This OC in this next divider is a special case. It is the very first OC I ever wrote for WP. It is kind of in use right now in my 1x1 with Broken Rivers (Dreams).
The thing is, Dreams has gone on hiatus due to external events outside of her control. I'm willing to resume the 1x1 if (when) she comes back, but for now it's going to have to sit here. It's not active, but it's revivable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` 1x1 - Broken Dawn x Boeing
STATUS - IN PROGRESS ~~~ ~~~ Nina Winged wolf 4 years old ~ Nina is small for her age, weighing somewhere around 80 pounds. She's small, but small doesn't mean any less deadly. She sports white wings, speckled with grey dots amongst it. Her fur overcoat is much the same - white speckled with dark grey dots. Her underside composes of a gradient from the white and dark grey dots to a smooth, light grey underside. Nina's shoulders also are the same colour of light grey, cutting off the white and speckled grey like a collar, and giving her face more of a 50/50 split between the light grey of her collar, and a splotch of white on the top-right of her head. As a winged wolf, she always stood out from her peers in that different way - having an ability out of the norm for wolves generally didn't bode exceptionally well. Her small size contributed to that. However, early on in her childhood others saw potential from her. She was raised to be a silent wraith, slipping between the shadows and staying silent. Now almost a fully-grown wolf, she excels in being silent on both her feet and wings, and stealth. Tracking, and killing. Only very few wolves could ever best her in finding her once she starts being silent. She is called the Wraith by those who know her well. Although she may have light colouring... when she wants to she can be silent as a wraith. She's not always agreeable though. Possessing an independent streak, she can be verbal and will try get her opinion out there if she feels strongly about something. She's not a pet of any kind - she has an opinion, and when it matters, she's not afraid to put it out there. This doesn't make her many friends amongst her peers - but she's seen as an independent character who mainly will do what she wants. When she agrees with an order, she'll do it swiftly - when she doesn't, depending on how much higher ranked they are, she'll put up a similar amount of resistance. She'll still do it - but if she disagrees, she won't. But that doesn't mean she disagrees with a lot of things. Mainly - her job. She rarely disagrees to doing something in the name of her job. Heck, she enjoys doing what she does. Whatever she's asked to do. So be wary of if you ever encounter something like her in a street. She's not afraid to execute her job. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything below this divider line is in Archive. This means that the RP that it is listed under is inactive, and at almost 0% chance of starting/resuming in the future. It's slightly sad to see my work go to waste when the sign-ups just die randomly, so I'm hoping to eventually use these below in other places. I've removed the names of where I submitted them into because... they're pretty much dead now. Eventually, I'm going to use everything in Archive properly for an RP. A lot of the things (see above) were originally written for a different RP, got sent to the Archive, then was used for a different RP. I'm just waiting for one good enough for my Archived applications. Don't worry little wolfies, you'll get put to use soon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` Strength of Spirit (Spirit Animal RP) (Run by Zeraphia) STATUS - IN PROGRESS (Open) ~~~ ~~~ Name: Meliora ~ Gender: Female ~
Species: Peregrine Falcon - Tundrius subspecies ~
Appearance: (Forgive my inexpertise in this area. I had to search a lot of these facts up.) Meliora is, compared to many others of her kind, large for a falcon - weighing 1.6 kilograms, and a length of around 60 centimeters (gah. 24 inches.). She has a dark gray back - unlike a significant majority of others, her breast and underside has a shade of slightly off-white colouration throughout. With a wingspan reaching 120cm (okay fine - 48 inches), on top they are the same flush dark grey that her back is. On the underside, it is more speckled, with intersecting white and (slightly lighter) grey. Her head and beak is still typical to her variant of the species - a bluish-grey beak resolving in the yellow around it. Her crown is markedly similar to the colouring of her back, although slightly lighter. ~
Personality: Meliora has an inner pride in things she does. Occasionally fussy about one thing or another, she takes great pride in being a bonded animal to someone else. Even if that someone else is a human.
She can often appear slightly aloof from other things happening around her. Yet, even when she does this, she's listening to everything you say and do, and filing it away. While she has a literal bird-brain, that doesn't mean that, since she's a spriti animal, she's the same as all other falcons. Like said earlier, she takes pride in not being one. This results in her intellect being higher than many would expect. After all, who would expect that bird sitting on the tree outside your house to actually know and understand what they see through the window? Meliora is also mostly loyal to a fault. Sometimes she won't process that what she has been told is wrong, or that she probably shouldn't do it. She has an independent streak, but to those that she truly trusts, she is loyal to. To most others, like just stated, she can have an independent streak. Flying off randomly for no given reason, seemingly just to annoy them - however she usually will have a reason for it. Even if it annoys them, she will have an ulterior motive for it. She's smarter than you think, after all. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` N/A (Originally - The Druid's Birthright run by Nirvana_Sky, and Hidden in the Shadows run by Red Moon) ~~~ ~~~ Name - Nikolai ~ Age - 3 ~ Gender - Male ~ Rank - Shikara ~ Desired Rank - Content ~ Scent - Lemon and pine ~ Loyalty to the Alpha - More to the neutral side. However, he does value some form of progression, and hence leaning towards supportive of the alpha. But he does have some reservations.
~ Appearance - Nikolai wears a slightly off-white coat that forms a natural gradient along his side to resolve in a light brown that covers his tummy and hindquarters. This continues down his tail to form a black tip of it. The brown flows down his legs, but abruptly changes to four short gark grey (almost black) socks. Nikolai's underbelly of light brown continues up the underside of his neck, to stop just below the jawline. Here, his cheeks are a continuation of his off-white coat (which also covers the top half of his neck), but he has a greyish-black cap that tops off his head and his ears. Nikolai sports dark yellow eyes. Set in his off-white coat, this goes in contrast to the rest of his face. Nikolai's build is slightly more compact than the average wolf's build. He stands slightly smaller than the average male wolf, which he doesn't really like. Often, his fur will be slightly ruffled, partly due to his personality, and partly due to him wanting to appear slightly larger. ~ Personality - Nikolai has remarkable stubbornness when it comes to things. Once he's set his mind to doing something, it's remarkably hard to change his mind. This trait has been evident since his early years, and often drove his parents up the wall. Thi trait isn't as evident as it was before, but is still rather prominent in terms of his personality. Nikolai, as stated earlier, also often comes with ruffled fur. The first part is his compact build - the second is that due to his compact build, he is more likely to try squeeze through smaller, tighter gaps simply because he can. While a larger, older wolf would have difficulty in doing so, it only gets Nikolai's coat ruffled. Doing such things has evoked a natural curiosity in Nikolai. He gets curious about the more minute aspects of life, and things he finds along his way. He simply wants to know more of the world around him. This contributes to his appearance, by either usually appearing rufled, or slightly dusty. However, he has an innate possessiveness of things that he thinks are "his", for example, a sleeping spot that he classifies as "his". This is where many of his main disputes will come around - his stubbornness contributes to the feeling that "this is mine and you can't touch it!" Mainly small trivial things, it rarely slops over into major disputes, but occasionally can. ~ Strengths - - Curiosity. Nikolai is naturally curious about the world, and this trait persists far past his puphood. This is simply something he is naturally doing, andn ot something honed. - Defending - both mentally and physically. Nikolai is physically capable of defending things that he loves, and is also mentally equipped in verbal battles. While built on the more compact side of things, Nikolai is still able to pack decent punch against things he deems threatening. ~ Weaknesses - - Stubbornness. Nikolai is remarkably stubborn (as stated before) when it comes to things. Once he is completely convinced that something is right, it's remarkably difficult to get him to change his mind. He gerenally judges people significantly harder on first impressions, and with a stubborn will, will continue to judge them similarly, despite if they show otherwise. - Unnecessary (and often trivial) things. Nikolai, on occassion, will be bogged down in his thinking by the most trivial matters. Rather than accepting it and going on, he will try to find a flaw in it (as his stubbornness shows). When everyone has already moved onto another topic, Nikolai will still be attempting to nit-pick the previous argument, and so on. ~ Mate - N/A
~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A (Originally - The Druid's Birthright run by Nirvana_Sky) ~~~ ~~~ Name - Fenrys ~ Age - 5 ~ Gender - Male ~ Role - Alpha ~ Appearance - Fenrys has a mixed greyscale coat. He has high white socks that terminate at his shoulders, and a strip of white along the bottom of his belly. The rest of his lower body gradients to a lighter shade of grey, and the middle and upper half of his body are a shade of dark gray. The light grey creeps up the front of his chest and gives Fenrys a slightly lighter chest with a hint of white and gray in it. Fenrys's jaw also has a similar property, with his lower jawline being a slightly lighter shade of grey than his upper jawline and his forehead. His face is slightly lighter than the rest of his body, however. ~ Personality - Fenrys is somewhat socialable. He generally has an "inner circle" of people that he is comfortable around and is able to talk to freely. To a lot of others, he is more closed off, but has an open mind towards them and is willing to give them a chance in his eyes. One aspect of his personality that is instantly evident upon their first meeting with Fenrys that he thinks - and often overthinks. This is good in aspects such as some creative thoughts, but then overthinking may lead to hasty (and sometimes incorrect) conclusions - which create a domino reaction that sometimes keeps going. Fenrys also gets distracted easily. This may be simply something more important going on in the side that he feels he needs to devote more attention to monitoring - but may be as simple as a squirrel (which he really doesn't like). This sometimes annoys others that he interacts with, but then again - it's his personality and they need to deal with it. (I would add more about his interactions with his mate, but then again - I still need to get one. So I'm going to leave it here for now, and later once I get one I'll edit this.) ~ Strengths (3+) - - Analyzing a thing, or a situation. Fenrys, like suggested earlier, is good at thinking and overthinking. This plays to his benefit here, where he is able to analyze and think over something faster than most of his peers. - Memory recollection. Fenrys boasts a rather impressive memory recollection, being able to remember more than the average wolf. This is exceptonally useful in solving some things that may have happened in the past, but then the shockwaves still travel to today. - Association with people that he likes. Generally, Fenrys is good at associating (and communicating) his intent and generally being more sociable towards his peers and people that are in his more inner circles. While this may not be apparent when you first meet him, he is able to communicate his thoughts and feelings with suprising clarity. - Ah... I had an idea but I completely forgot it. Goddamnit. ~ Weaknesses (3+) - - Gullibility. Fenrys is slightly more gullible than most and is prepared to believe some things that he cannot find flaws in - especially if, since he can't prove it being right, he chooses to think it correct. He lacks a lot of fear of the unknown, which sometimes will impact him negatively when he gets into more trouble than he can fix. - Stubbornness. Fenrys is stubborn. Once he is completely convinced that something is right (and that he knows that he's not being gullible) it's remarkably difficult to get him to change his mind. He gerenally judges people significantly harder on first impressions, and with a stubborn will, will continue to judge them similarly, despite if they show otherwise. - Unnecessary (and often trivial) things. Fenrys, on occassion, will be bogged down in his thinking by the most trivial matters. Rather than accepting it and going on, he will try to find a flaw in it (as his stubbornness shows). When everyone has already moved onto another topic, Fenrys will still be attempting to nit-pick the previous argument, and so on. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` N/A (Originally - Western Trials run by Bobcat) ~~~ ~~~ Name: Sartaq ~ Pronounciation: Sar-takk ~ Gender: Male ~ Sexuality*: Straight ~ Rank: Alpha Male
~ Appearance: Sartaq has a hazel coat that drapes over him like a overcoat. Along his neck the hazel dissolves into dark drown/black jaw, with the hazel continuing over his forehead to his upper jawline. He has high black socks which stretch all the way up his legs, and his belly is slightly lighter coloured than anything else he has. Sartaq has dark green eyes and is on the heavier side of the spectrum, at maybe 115 pounds. His stride length is slightly longer than the average wolf's. ~ Personality: Sartaq is genuinely interested in the wolves around him. Holding a high degree of empathy, it's sometimes hard for him to execute difficult decisions - although he will if he has to. This leads to him understanding more of the wolves that he interacts with, and he will usually store that away for a later date. Sartaq is also keenly aware of threats, precieved or otherwise. While his degree of empathy may apply to those that he is familiar with, any percieved threat can (and will) be dealt with him brutally. One thing Sartaq sometimes does is... simply thinking too much. When in a difficult position, Sartaq can sometimes get bogged down by processing all the details and minute facts. In other times, however, Sartaq can process all these usually slightly faster than the average wolf. ~ Strengths: - Decision-making on his own. While usually he may let others take it, should he be required to make a decision, unless it's extremely difficult - he can make it relatively quickly. - Empathetic. As stated earlier, Sartaq posesses high degrees of empathy. - Curiosity. Sartaq is naturally curious about other beings and things. While this has been significantly tamped down compared to his pup and yearling days, sometimes it still occurs, and as a result Sartaq has amassed (sometimes pointless) knowledge about other wolves, and other things. - Association with people that he likes. Generally, Sartaq is good at associating (and communicating) his intent and generally being more sociable towards his peers and people that are in his more inner circles. While this may not be apparent when you first meet him, he is able to communicate his thoughts and feelings with suprising clarity. ~ Weaknesses: - Overthinking. As stated ealier, Sartaq can overthink. - Poor enforcement. Sometimes if the issue is minor in Sartaq's head, he'll just let it go, even if it has broken his code of morality. - Stubbornness. On the odd occassion, if Sartaq is convinced that something is right, it's remarkably difficult to get him to change his mind. While his degree of empathy stops him from making extremely harsh decisions, once he has made one it's sometimes hard for him to change. He can do it, however. It's just slightly difficult for him. ~
Likes: - Finding out new things. - Making progress. - Blueberries. ~ Dislikes: - When someone tries to force their opinion on him. - Hot weather. - The inability to do something that he wants to do. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` N/A (Originally - Flames of Hope co-run by Graywing and Blade of Dreams) ~~~ ~~~ Name: Pendugo ~ Age (in human years please): 4 ~ Gender: Male ~ Sexuality*: Straight ~ Rank: Fighter (in Oak) ~ Aspired rank: Content ~ Appearance: Pendugo has a hazel coat that drapes over him like a overcoat. Along his neck the hazel dissolves into dark drown/black jaw, with the hazel continuing over his forehead to his upper jawline. He has high black socks which stretch all the way up his legs, and his belly is slightly lighter coloured than anything else he has. He has dark green eyes and weighs about 90 pounds (I live in a country where we use kilograms, so I'm estimating...) ~ Personality: Pendugo is an independent character that will occasionally form strong bonds with those he chooses to associate himself with. To most other people, he seems like someone who wouldn't be the greatest of friends, but to those who know him he really associates himself with those he forms bonds with. Examples of this might be his fellow pack-mates that he is friends with. Pendugo mainly won't care about anything that doesn't affect him or anyone in his inner circle of friends. When something does, however, Pendugo has a fiery will and will defend his friends - sometimes with more passion than he would defend himself. Pendugo is loyal to his friends. If we are talking in figurative terms, amongst other wolves Pendugo has a lot of bark but no bite. (If we are talking literal terms, that is definitely not the case.) He has a fiery disposition that others may feel to be slightly unpleasant and overboard, but to those who know or understand him is one aspect of himself that they accept. To those in his inner circle, that disposition is drastically reduced. In literal terms, Pendugo does have a decent amount of bite (and bark). ~ Likes: Although he is a fighter, sometimes he does enjoy spending time hunting. Not big hunting packs like the Hunters do, but concentration games. Simply staring at a unsuspecting rabbit and killing and devouring it on the spot. He also cares about the pups of the pack. While other grown wolves might need to be friends with Pendugo for him to show his soft side, pups get a free pass. (I'm willing to mentor a pup too if need be) When Pendugo dedicates himself to something, not only does he give it his absolute best, but he begins to enjoy it. Small challenges like figuring out what this human object does, or (like aforementioned) catching small prey, he enjoys. ~ Dislikes: Pendugo is poor at collaborating with other wolves that aren't in his circle of friends. He tends to be awkward, uncomfortable, and generally tries to do his own thing if he must collaborrate with wolves outside his comfort zone. Granted, he may form connections with them and eventually be comfortable with them, but if he is forced to work with people he isn't familiar with, not only does he not like that but he will perform remarkably poor in it, sometimes even choosing to just go off and do his own thing. ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` N/A (Originally - Wolves of Borealis run by Nirvana_Sky) ~~~ Name: Tamar ~ Age: Slightly below 3 months ~ Gender: Male ~ Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/custom.php?cid=189629 Being a pup, Tamar's fur colouring isn't fully defined yet. However, many of his features are beginning to present themselves in Tamar. Weighing around 25 pounds, Tamar looks like an intermingling between his mother and his father - his mother being pure white, and his father being mainly black. (See custom) Tamar's fur type takes more up of his father though - long, fluffy fur that once all the puppy fur is shed, may appear slightly overweight. Tamar's fur will also often come with a random leaf or two nestled in between it - his attitude to leaf litters and small playthings (I love it!) plays testimony to that. Despite his mother's often (and slightly forceful) reproaches to clean his fur, at this age he still enjoys doing things pups like - playing around with an odd stick, digging small holes, and generally having a good time with it. (Does more need to be filled in here? I'm aware it's only 150 words.) ~ Personality: As of now, Tamar has the stereotypical disposition of a pup - small, guileless, innocent. Easily susceptible to ploys from outsiders, and yet to be trained in his parents' images. He doesn't yet consider his actions before he does them - leading to a slightly brash little youngster that doesn't abide by many rules yet. He's destined to cool down later in life, however. As of right now, there are some things that are apparent to him in white-and-black. First rule - "Mama is always right." Too young to have yet gain a fully-formed opinion on the pack and his half-sister, he abides by the one rule - "Mama is always right." If not, it's his father that is right. One way or another, one of them are always right. To Tamar, they know all the knowledge in the universe, and he looks up to them. Tamar still holds an extremely simplistic view of the environment of the pack. He doesn't question his pack member's decisions, but he does hold a simplistic view of the world that he is unaware that his actions may always have greater consequences, and that the small gestures that another wolf may exhibit mean something. To Tamar, everything in life is simple, and right. Most of Tamar's needs are seen to by the pack. After all, he is just around 3 months old. But eventually he does understand that he will need to venture out alone without his parents to the big, wide world. Tamar's curiosity is a major feature of his personality that will stick with him over he years. Tamar is inborn with a natural curiosity, leading to many small incidents. Like the one time he jumped into a massive dustbowl and showered the surrounding pack mates with flying dust. Like earlier, sometimes acting brash and thinking before acting has consequences - something he is slowly discovering. At 3 months, Tamar's interpersonal relationships are very black-and-white. He sees everyone as "good", without the little niches of doubt, worry, or intrigue. Tamar is still very gullible - he is easily influenced by the views and opinions of others (but Mama is always right!) and hence has very little personal opinions on others. He likes everyone and hates no-one (yet), as they would say. His opinions (as scant as they are) resultantly swing back and forth significantly. Barely able to form opinions for himself, he goes backwards and forwards from one wolf to another, unaware that his movements have greater consequences than he knows. After all, he is the "true" son of Cassius, and has to shoulder that. Tamar is, like aforementioned, what Cassius would define as "his true son". Barely able to look at what he would consider "his bastard daughter", Cassius instead looks to his little bundle of 3 month old joy. Tamar is aware that he is the son of the highest ranked wolves in the pack, but still guileless and not fully realizing what his future roles may be, or what he may be required to do in the future. After all, pups don't have that kind of worries - usually. Tamar doesn't lie. After all, no-one lies, in his view of the world. Everyone is usually right, and Tamar takes it all at face value without actually vetting it. He thinks everyone older than him is right - but especially his parents, as Mama is always right! Overall, Tamar is a trusting, innocent pup who looks at the world through a simplistic spectrum, and trusts everyone - sometimes to his disadvantage, but then Mama is always right! Although gullible, Tamar exhibits a playful and curious nature typical of pups his age, and is always striving to find out more about the world, even in unorthodox ways. The main problem with Tamar's nature is that he's too trusting. He trusts everything anyone says - even if it's false, because, in Tamar's view of the world, who would ever lie? If you told him to follow you, he would. The main problem is that, if you look on the dark side, Tamar could easily be influenced, and has the vulnerability to be taken away from what he knows, and believe and be taught something else entirely. That is the worry his parents may hide from him - being the rightful son of his father - and the worries he himself is practically entirely unaware of. Awareness comes with age - he does not fully possess that sense of rightness and wrongness. A vulnerable, innocent little being in a court of lies and deceit. Unaware that actions have consequences, and that he isn't just part of the next generation - he *is* the next generation that the current one needs to influence and change to get their agenda living on... how long can he last? ~ Strengths: Tamar is still exploring the boundaries of what he can and can't do (and I think I filled in a lot of this section under "Personality"), but some things that he seems to have developed an aptitude for; - Memory recollection. Tamar, for his age, is suprisingly good at recalling a specific things someone said, or a certain leaf pile that he likes. Currently this trait isn't used in substantive ways (mainly recalling trivial things rather than important things) but that improves with time. - Curiosity. Tamar has an insatiable curiosity that may have landed him in trouble in the past. But this fuel for learning everything couldn't be quenched, and hence Tamar still loves to do things he's simply curious of the outcome of. - More strengths will show themselves apparent in later years, but at this point in time, these are all that he shows (partly because I'm writing this at 6am on the bus on Notepad, and partly because I simply can't think of any more right now, and partly because this means I can reveal more "hidden" strengths as he grows up). ~ Weaknesses: - Lying. Like stated before, Tamar is absolutely pathetic at lying. He simply doesn't see why anyone would lie - after all, why would they? and takes most (if not all) things at face value. (But Mama is always right!) - His innocence and gullibility. Tamar is at the age where he still can't tell if people are lying or not (and he thinks no-one lies), and hence has a very innocent and gullible profile. More unsavoury wolves may decide to abuse this aspect of him before he grows out of it, but no-one has tried (yet) - this is something that his parents hope that he will grow out of quickly sooner rather than later. He is a rather important pup, just... not entirely realising the potential that he must carry. - Same with the strengths - some weaknessess will be closed, some may be opened, but only as Tamar grows up will they become apparent and show themselves. ~ Kin: Tamar is the alpha's son. Cassius's *true* son, unlike his bastard daughter. Tamar may be unaware of the position he was born into, but eventually may realise it - hopefully before it's too late, but Tamar has to eventually realise what role and position he was born into and destinied to be. (If eventually Tamar gains siblings I'll edit both this and the personality box to accommodate it) ~~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So far... that's it! There'll eventually be more here, though... we'll see :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |