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Choose A Scene: Wolf Pack Life   The Free Range   Unexplored Territory

Wolf Pack Life

Scene One: Wolf Pack Life
Roleplay Type: Wolves Only, Realistic

Explore the dynamics of life within the pack, and it's relationships with other packs. Darkseekers rule the shadow world in an ever present conflict with the heros of the Lightbringer allegiance. Or perhaps you're neutral and trying to keep the peace between warring factions.

Last Post: 6:31 PM Observers: 2 Posters: 0

just as he withstood at the edge of the sloshing streamlet with his head somewhat bent -- those tipped-like lobes of his swivelled as the whistling breeze tousled through the grassland, past him and straight into the woodland behind him.
the breeze carried lots of fragrances with it. and one odour stuck out like a sore thumb. prickling his nares and hoaxing him to peel his snout back. which was a clear indication of how uncomfortable he felt. apparently this tranquil area after all had its threats. and caelomaris was not equipped to fend off for his own sake. he never was. he was the more submissive brute that had more brain over brawn. and cherished the value of sentience. and tucked his tail under his rump and fled. but this time, he had not flinched a muscle and scrolled his gaze through the ridges of the streamlet.
just for them to land on a distant canine loom near the border of the bank.

''huh,'' he huffed.

The Icy Reapers
Glacier   View
(Joining you)

The air was too hot, too moist, but their job to do. Milky white eyes stared aimlessly as dark fur glinted under the rays of light that penetrated through the canopy above. Paws pelted the undergrowth with every step. Thick fur caught on brush and pulled off small chunks of midnight black fur, making the she-wolf look even more bedraggled. It did help, but not enough. Running out of energy, She pricked up her velvet ears, detecting the rush of water and oriented herself to face the direction of the sound. She carefully trotted forward, making sure not to trip. She didn't want her very first litter to be injured before she gave birth. She halted at the river*s edge. Not willing to move except for he nose. On the other side of the river she could smell wolf. *oh, just what I need, great.* She crouched in submission, not knowing what else to do.
anyone can join in! ))

breathing in the earthy aroma of the moist woodland surrounding him, caelomaris admired how the timbers stretching across the panorama gnarled into the skies like venerable wardens of the biome. he felt secure in the arms of mother nature, segregated by the overgrown hedges and thickets sprawling from one side to another -- entangling his pristine pearly fur and plucking at his sides as he meandered forward through the slim footpath that led into a stark grassland in the north.
and in the most humid part of the vacant prairie, caelomaris approached a sloshing creek that sliced the prairie in two, one belonging to whatever had dwelt in the far-fetched forestries and the other one was an unclaimed domain that was unhampered to any fauna around. so caelomaris felt liberated to freely trek past the trampled patches of foliage underneath his weight as the distant broad streamlet got closer.
he did not acknowledge his environment much as this usual area never seemed -- bustling. perhaps one or two coyotes quenching their throats in the brook but nothing that was a potential concern to caelomaris or nature itself.
it was all pleasant, to bask or to even fish if you had enough courage to oppose the purling tides of this shrub-overgrown creek.

Råvn³ დ  View
anyone semi lit may join my gal <3}}

The breeze that blew from the top of the mountains snowy peek sent shivers down a femme's spine. Her evenly paced walk keeping her light on her pads and alert, her ears pricked and moving about her head as she listened to the new surroundings. Glowing dark orbs turned left and right as she gazed past the brush, the chill from the mountains began leaving her body and the warmth of the valley began to drift in her direction, her heavy layer of fur upon her shoulders began to ache as the heat bugged her. "Great..." she mutters and continues on her way, letting the tiny branches of passing brush catch onto her fur and plucking chunks of fur away to relieve the heat. ears pricked, she hears a nearby river and trods over to the bank, quenching her thirst before dipping into the cold water to cool off and rid the dirt and fur, leaping out on the other side of the bank, she shook water droplets free, making her coat shine a dark midnight blue and several other markings that were hidden underneath the build up of dirt. Her cold gaze lingered before continuing on her way, letting the sun dry her fur and glisten with it being freshly cleaned.

Leopordo  View
(and please do use him, i wont be here too much)

Leopordo  View
(welcome everyone)Leo walks out of the bushes "I'm, Leo a Lightbringer---so I'm friendly! Welcome, you won't see me often because it's almost summer, and thas when I usally sleep..." (I dont mind any of u using Leo while talking, as long as no one kills him, everything else u might use him for u may).

Hanne  View
Hanne stayed silent. She knew what she wanted - glancing quickly at Dove - but she knew she wouldn't get it. Looking slightly warily towards Revenge, Hanne wisely chose to stay silent. She didn't want to get into a fight she probably wouldn't win, and sometimes... the best course of action is silence.
Hanne did want her own rank. She just wouldn't say it out aloud. That was her, after all - with a tendency to crawl into her own little shell when there were so many other wolves vying for the same position.
(Does anyone else here have any idea what's going on XD)
She nearly snarled at him, but took a breath, reminding herself that that was exactly what he had just told her not to do. She turned around slowly, trying to calm herself down by digging deep grooves into the ground with her newly sharpened claws. “I’m just trying to make sure that I can keep myself and this pack safe. If I choose to join. What roles are open?” She purred. She would like alpha, beta, or assassin, but she supposed that she couldn’t be picky. Sitting down, she purposely settled in a cocky, dominant way. She wouldn’t let them underestimate her, and she didn’t want to join a pack where she would have to pretend that she wasn’t capable of shredding every single wolf there.

Frozen Mist
Lonesome Dove  View
Biting his tongue, Dove took a moment to himself. He watched them all, his head slowly moving to take in every single wolf that had shown up. There were four females right now and one male. The odds were against him entirely, but the grey brute just let it finally wash off of his frame like water off of a ducks back.

When many remained silent, the wolf let a brow raise upon his forehead before he turned to Adanne. "That would be much appreciated." Was his reply to her back, his tail ticking faintly against his hocks. Right now, they were a bunch of nomads working on forming a pack and it could go many ways, but instinctively he looked at Hanne as she seemed to almost curl in on herself.

He hated watching others act like they were door mats, but for the minute it let it slide as he turned to Husk. "Thank you for coming." Finally he had a moment to breath as the others did their own thing for just a moment. His body relaxed some more, but the sound of claws being sharpened had his gaze locking on Revenge as he held in a snarl. If she were to keep doing that, she would be the first he ran off from here.

"We are here to build a pack, not make sure we can stab each other in the back, Revenge." There, he took care of it point blank as he raised a brow at her. "With everyone here other than Adanne, lets get ranks settled. Anyone here want their own rank?" He asked, his gaze flicking down to the grey female that had yet to speak.

Husk  View
Xivu was glad she had chosen to hang back instead of approaching. Watching the tension grow, she wondered if the alpha had bitten off more than he could chew? Husk didn't seem ruffled by any of it. He was calm in the way he stood, as if none of this was new.

Husk let his eyes drift over the females that had gathered, seeing their different personalities quickly shining through. He held his tongue for now, since this wasn't really the time to strike up conversation to learn about his new pack mates.

Rain Reign
Mater | 58R 34T  View
Adanne nodded, taking in the male's manners as a sign of respect. Her ears twitched, slightly, and her eyes flickered immediately to the next newcomer; another male, approaching beside the grey female that was leaning back. Husk, he claimed his name to be, so Adanne just nodded. She looked forth at Dove, blinking several times as she coiled her tail around her paws, raising one paw to gesture at the lot of them.

"This is very overwhelming," she admitted, shaking her head, "if I'm officially a member, I suppose I should start putting in the work, hm? I'll scout us out a good place for a camp. If any of you would like to join me, feel free."

Adanne rose to her paws, weaving between the bushes and beginning to trot down the slope that was their meeting spot. She'd find them an ideal location far from prying eyes whilst giving them the location. Initiative was key, after all!

Hanne  View
Hanne paused. There were way too many wolves nearby to even formulate responses, or get her voice heard in the din. Shaking her head in disbelief - really, how many wolves had heard the howl? And why were there so many grey wolves? Hanne nodded once, hoping that Dove would take that as acquiscience. Trying to talk any further to Dove - with 5 wolves, none less, simultaneously trying to have a conversation with him! - felt practically impossible.
Hanne sized up the other wolves. There was a grey wolf, a grey wolf, another grey wolf, a grey wolf, and another grey wolf. Hanne sighed. So much for pelt colour variation.
Hanne wanted to join this pack now. That was for sure. But what place would she have in it? She was the first to approach the wolf, that was for sure, but now with so many other wolves surrounding him... she wasn't so sure anymore.
She bowed, noticing how tense he was and not wanting to start a fight. Although she would easily win, she didnÂ’t like hurting wolves and a wolf dead at her paws would make it impossible to join any other packs. She decided to stay silent for a moment more, to allow the maleÂ… Dove, was it? To calm down. She found a rock and started sharpening her claws to keep herself busy, keeping those pretty ears pricked to make sure that she was ready if anyone decided to attack her. She didnÂ’t want to be taken by surprise. That was her job.

Frozen Mist
Lonesome Dove  View
Oh-ho, there was way to many wolves all at once. It took the male a moment to compose himself again, but his blue eyes locked onto the female that called herself Revenge. Her looks, her words, and everything else grated upon his nerves. There was only so much he could do at once and currently? They were working on over booking him.

"What information would you like to know? I called and you guys answered. Everything else can be worked out as we go." That was said to Revenge, but his eyes flicked over to Hanne as she spoke. He must have took her question wrong, but he would not let that stop him as he dipped his head to her gently as a way to appologize.

Licking his lips, the male turned again, this time to the third female that had come closer. He faintly noticed Hanne inching closer, but he kept himself steady as his gaze locked onto the female named Adanne. "I would love to have you miss Adanne." He gave her a smile then, but soon enough he was pulled over to the grey female from before and now a male.

"Greetings Husk." His voice was calm, but if he made the wrong move or any of these wolves stepped wrong, he would feel cornered. It was natural to start things off with there being five others to his one. It would take time, but he would do his best.

Husk  View
"I didn't take you for the crowd type."

The deep voice made Xivu turn her head, her gaze peering into the familiar eyes of her brother. It had been a few seasons since she had seen him, and it was a surprise now. Especially when he seemed more adverse to groups than she was. "Long time no see, Husk." Xivu greeted before turning her eyes to the group again. "I'm just here for the view."

Husk snorted before stepping around his sister. She'd always been aloof and coy, but he didn't bother to waste his time. Instead, he strode up to the collecting wolves, giving a small dip of his head. "I'm Husk." He introduced, not making the newly made alpha repeat himself.

Rain Reign
Mater | 58R 34T  View
Adanne took in the sight of those before her; the male who howled was relatively large and adorning grey markings atop a silver coat. She didn't sit, quite yet, eyeing him warily as she analyzed the rest of those there. There was another speckled female that looked quite similar to herself, minus the otherworldly color of her own coat. Adanne recognized the mirth in her eyes and nodded in agreement. This whole thing was awkward and tense. There was a chestnut-colored female speaking to the howler, shy but taking initiative. Adanne respected it. Finally, another grey female arrived -- many females, but not that Adanne would complain, males were oft' overbearing -- by the name of Revenge.

Adanne supposed it'd be her turn to speak, pacing around the crew until she found a spot to sit herself against a tree -- ensuring nobody could come up behind her. Her blue eyes narrowed somewhat. A pack? Would Adanne even fit well enough in a pack? The last one she came from treated her rather unfairly. Life was just easier on her own.


Adanne's stomach growled. She sighed. "Adanne Mater, but Adanne is fine. A pack, you say?" she began, glancing elsewhere at the sun, "I suppose I'll join. If you take me, that is."

Hanne  View
Hanne looked from the male in front of her, to the grey one, to the other grey one, to the other grey one.
Damn, she thought. That's a lot of grey wolves.
(I find this hugely funny for some reason... don't mind me)
Hanne bowed her head slightly, acknowledging the male in front of her. "My name is Hanne. And yes, I got you the first time." Her eyes twinkled slightly as she said that.
(Now I'm kinda wishing I used one of my male wolves lol)
Hanne said no more, but subtlely inched closer to the male. I was here first, Hanne thought to herself. The others had no right to barge in.
She nodded, noticing his agitation with slight amusement. “I may like to join this pack. More information? I assume that you will be the alpha, correct?” She flicked her ears back as she waited for his response, her beautiful silver and black mixed pelt blowing gently in the slight breeze. She examined him carefully, trying to decide whether she would follow him or not. He seemed strong, and appeared fairly good-looking as well, but she would need more than that to follow anyone. The way he was acting towards her approach was also a sign of weakness- good leaders had to be calm and patient.

Frozen Mist
Lonesome Dove  View
Dove stood tall then, his grey fur laying in a regal way upon his body, as if he had groomed it before all this. His blue eyes took in the female right before himself as a brow rose. "My name is Lonesome Dove." He had already said that to her, which was not making this any easier. He wanted to not have to repeat himself upon first greetings, but here he was already.

Hearing paws, the male turned his head and saw the grey based female even closer. His long tail flicked for a second as frustration slowly worked its way through his blood, but he said nothing to her just yet. He gave her a dip of his head, but she was far enough away that he figured she did not wish to be bothered just yet. She could watch all she wanted, but he would make sure not to be a complete jerk in her presence.

As more paws once again filled his ears with their steps, Dove looked towards a black and white female. His ears perked towards her, her coat not really black as he took longer to scan her. Licking his lips, he gave a nod in her direction as well before setting his gaze on the earthy female. "May I get your name?"

After that question, a fourth female came up. His blue eyes wanted to roll, but he held himself composed as he dipped his head... yet again. "Greetings. I am wanting to build a pack in this valley."
She heard nothing more, so decided to just go. She broke into a run in order to get to the other wolves, which meant that she was panting when she reached the other wolves, her muscles aching from the movement. She hadn’t run much the past few days, tired from roaming the world. She stalked up to the male, her light brown eyes gleaming as she regarded him with fierce interest. He seemed to be the one that had howled, and she wondered what the purpose of his call was. “Hello,” she purred, her silky voice rumbling from deep inside her throat. “I am Bitter Sweet Revenge. You can simply call me Revenge. I have come to see what the purpose of your call was.” She wasn’t normally so formal, but she sensed that it may be best to be more serious in this situation.

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