Biography I was shunned so very young only a month old, when I was left to wander all alone, for weeks I wandered the land, I found a place to rest.
only to awake to voices talking, My eyes open to see wolves around me but their fur glows pale the trees visible through the fur.
" Who are you, "am-am I dead," I ask weakly a wolf with grey fur looks to me his eyes Pure white, "No little one not yet, stay awake my young friend " He says calmly.
" I am Meteor when death took me I was so young now I guide others to a place to grow up," the wolf says two others step out as well.
one's fur white as snow his eyes gold, " I am Cryogen I was taking to the land of gone I left my sister behind," he says calmly
the others fur white but marked with browns and cream, " I am Dune I bid farewell two years ago to my sister, I left her behind" He says.
the three wolves look at me and beckon me to fallow them they lead me down a path full of stones some craked and covered in layers of moss others still new.
soon we come to a place they stop looking sorrowfully to the clearing " we can not go father this is were we stop dont worry little one " Dune says calmly.
three wolves come one fur white the other silver, the thirds brown.
"He-hello I-im Arctic Sand " I say " Im Moondance, thats Glace and Tera " Moondance says " why are you here " Glace asks, "Three wolves lead me two with white fur one with silver " I say.
" the silver one said his name was Meteor, one white wolf said his name was Cryogen the other Dune" I say.
" Our brothers" The three wolves say.
Tera looks to me and beckons me to fallow as we enter the pack I see other wolves " Dune was my twin as was Umber,"tera says.
" Meteor and Comet's Tail were my brothers Cryogen was Glaces " Moondance says " welcome to your home little one " Glace says
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Kind loving
Preferences Crush: Mate: Sexuality:
Special Skills Ice and earth