Biography Eartha Help Roc I'm here but Its to late I see a blur of black and brown red Burnt Wood No eEarthha rruunn ppllease ddont leet thhe llast thhiinngg II ssee bbe lloosing yyou I love But now god has spoken and you are gone forever alone to be dieing on the in side I've never felt so lonely now I wander the path to home put now I'm alone no one for me I walk alone when I get home my younger brother and sister Flare and River Ask me where Roc and Burnt Wood are There dead I say No they shout but I know that They understand the next day we bury them in a beautiful meadow and I know that Flare and River Wish they had gotten to say goodbye Flare whispers I never got to say goodbye to you nor did River
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality strong, loyal, caring
Preferences she is a earth wolf now looks for the farmers and campers/ any human for they killed her brothers and hurt her younger brother and sister so many years ago
Special Skills N/A