
Yeee I'm not gonna keep them but--
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Rogue Oh, god, I'll try to recap the last 10 ish pages for you! We have a few more characters who have designs/names/roles now, all of which should now be on the front page! Had some discussions of character interactions and relationships.
A summary of our new characters are:
Vasilios and Urchin, a short tempered medic and his very spiny dragon. [Mine]
Charlie, the crew's dragon medic/botanist, who is a bit of a workaholic [Acerbus]
Ava, a rogue ranger who will eventually join the pirates as a scout. Introverted and acts like they don't need help, but is soft on the inside. Their dragon is Cassiopeia or Cassy for short. [Amygdala]
No social skills but likes explosions. [I don't know this character's name/role yet, may have missed it1][The Tea Drinkers]
Narna and Caliasa, the tough-looking cook who is a sweetheart really. [Nesta]
Xiomara, the musician and lookout, their dragon is called Dagger. Clumsy, highly chaotic. [VioletEcho]
Shai, the directionally challenged navigator and their dragon Mir. [Mirko]
Stuff that happened in the meantime: Vasilios got his arms detached by Mylo and challenged Quil to a faceoff.
Quil stuck pool noodles on Urchin.
Urchin and Stardust have chased each other around the ship, destroying quite a lot of a stuff.
God, that's all I can summarise. Hope that helps LMAO. If I've mixed up anyone's characters let me know, those are all the new ones since your last post!
Also let me know if you have a role in mind for Makovu :D I'll change his name on the front.
Vah Omg, moth,, moth pair. Can't wait to see!! Edited at January 15, 2025 08:36 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I can never escape longass posts, chat nor the forums </3 dear god.
Gonna write up some brief personality for Urchin and Vasilios though! :D I'm not sure on lore, yet. How and why Vasilios has no arms I have no idea LMAO

XD no worries at all! I mean I just figured out some of Quill's lore--
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Good summary Eternity xD 10 pages of chaos condensed is actually impressive

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Halcyon is SUCH a good name omg, that's so perfect.
Vah Don't be scared, give us the lore
I should really be going to bed as it's 2am, but I just found the perfect short lil code to slap down some of Vasilios's personality

Eternity Thank you! I totally didn't just look up "cool words" or anything x'D

ET of course I will. Once I finish this dragon.
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I should work on Mylo and Stardust's lore
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All the lore! Once these images load, I'll show y'all what I whipped up
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