About me!
Name: Ask me :3
Age: 18
Gender: Genderflux/Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/Them (I prefer they/them just because it's the most common I present as but I honestly dont care what you call me. I don't get offended)
Sexuality: Graysexual, Grayromantic, & Demiromantic
Favorite Color: Blue
Major: Veterinary Medicine (Taking a semester off currently)
Favorite Hobbies: Art (Digital Coloring) & Writing books! I also love listening to music and playing puzzle games with friends.
Favorite TV Show: Supernatural (Fav characters: Dean & Castiel)
Favorite Band: AC/DC
Greatest Fear: Being forgotten/left behind (Also spiders 0-0)
I enjoy collecting people's badges :D
Given | Pack | Recieved
Thing 2/Twin | Terebinth Wolves | Thing 1/Twin
Trials | Salem | Malice
Gospel | Rapper
Pinky | Collar | Holiday Raffler
Cap | Zeraphia
Spare Parts | Boeing | Dealership
Can | Graywing | Can Maker
Get art from Vah - A Christmas Present from my best friend, Terebinth Wolves (Or Twin as I call her) <3 Thank you!
Get art from ET - Given to me by the man himself! Thank you!!
Get art from BJake
Get art from Technoblade
Breed a stud that ends up on the leaderboard
Get Premium - Thank you Inferno <3
Create a custom wolf
Have a quesar stud - Thank you LeafClan!!!!!
Get on ET's Friend's list (Must earn friend status!) - :D
Body Parts Owned
Skull - Boeing's skull as a trade for Amy's (Sits next to Daze's hands)
Skin - The skin of Graywing, it is currently being stored as a wet specimen until I can turn it into a living human
Femur - Taken from Boing, currently sitting on my bookshelf
Lungs - Stolen from Amy, now in a glass case on my bookshelf
Heart - Sacrified by Vah, now with the lungs in my glass case
Circulatory Sytem - Donated by Nightshade, stitched into Gray's skin :D
Kidneys - Stolen from Graywing >:D, currently in with the heart and lungs
Vocal Chords - Yoinked from Boeing >:3
Soul - Taken from Queen Elsa, it's in a jar now :3 (It's mean tho-)
Body Parts Lost
Spine - Amy stole it :')
Ears - Damn it Boe
Eyes - Traded for Nightshade's circulatory system