Fenrys' tail twitched. At first glance, personally, the idea seemed abominable.
Join the freaking pack that had invaded their area? Hopefully understandably... he wasn't the greatest fan of the plan.
But really, they didn't have much choice, did they? A head on attack wouldn't be best. They couldn't even weasel out the weaklings like they would an elk herd. And Yukon's plan made sense.
Fenrys exhaled quietly. As much as he wanted to get them off his lands (and he was possessive enough to say it was his) he also understood the futility of doing that.
"I'll live with that." He didn't like the plan at all. But really, he couldn't find another way around it.
They were essentially two powerful wolves living out here, and the pack of eight - even with their weak wolves - could still have overpowered them with numbers. And Fenrys honestly couldn't see how he'd chase them off - other than by Yukon's plan.
"This had better work", he grumbled underneath his breath before he made his way down the slope towards them.
If he had put himself below another for absolutely nothing, he'd eternally regret it. Wolves like Fenrys didn't bow down. They either led or did their own thing.
Fenrys' big and powerful form approaching any other wolf would have been taken as a sign of aggression. Which is exactly what this other pack - whose scent-markings still rankled with him - did.
Fenrys hadn't approached with any agressive intent. The only problem was his posture practically signalled violence, whether he knew it or not. It was a habit, one that he hadn't bothered to temper with no-one around.
Sensing the two wolves that Yukon had pointed out earlier - the wimpy grey and the big black - approaching, he stopped and lowered his gaze.
As if he was a submissive wolf. He hated every second of it.
"State your business." The wispy alpha said, the big black wolf growling to emphasize the point.
Never mind that Fenrys could easily take down that wolf - at least, he imagined he could. The muscles in his eyes were already hurting from looking down for so long. Pretending to submit.
Although his posture still said some things.
"Just curious about our new neighbors." His head throbbed. "I don't come with the intent to harm anyone -" yeah, right, "- but I believe you've already met..."
Okay, now how was he supposed to describe Yukon? They weren't mates. They were barely friends. They just kind of knew each other - and now here he was, risking his neck to carry out Yukon's plan.
"..my counterpart." Hopefully that was satisfactory. "On behalf of her, I'd like to apologize to you about her earlier aggresive behaviour. It was uncalled for, and counterproductive to our relations."
So he was bungling the speech. They were meant to be trying to join this pack, after all. But Fenrys couldn't keep doing it - even though his internal struggle for dominance was carefully kept under wraps.
These wolves all must be absolutely submissive with no dominance if this weak alpha, with practically a third of his own dominance level, was controlling them.
And Yukon had better step in now, damn it. Else he'd snap. Although it may have not been apparent to everyone else, he was bringing all his dominance and using all his willpower to stay in this position.
They couldn't really antagonize the alpha. Maybe they could just kind of coexist with the pack and then get close enough to do what they had planned for? It wasn't like they'd immediately accept two new pack members, after all. Maybe they could just coexist, long enough for them to get complacent around them and then allow them in. All of this thought happened without consulting Yukon.
"While you might have been able to do a more peaceful approach coming into our territory - " he inwardly cringed at all the scent marking they had done, " - I believe we can both coexist in this region. It's big enough for all of us, after all." It wasn't, but they had no idea of knowing that. "Me, my counterpart, and your pack, I think it's doable."
He was terrible at speaking. And Yukon had better get the hell down here, to take over from him, else he wouldn't be able to stand it for much longer.