avatar credits:
lines by pinewoif on Etsy , coloring by : 180549 @ WPG
Side account of starwolfs (180549 )
this account is simply for me to play around with
it severes no purpose other then having a dinosaur themed pack
a fun little challenge for me is that I can only play this on my phone 🦖
Yeah I'm severely struggling with the mobile UI so this is now not possible ^^'
only seven adults in the pack at once ( a hunting team + ancient)
the top of the food chain and the queen are the only ones who can breed
Hatchlings have 2 days to find another pack before they die
one-two hatchlings will survive at the end of the year
all my wolves will be named from a dinosaur video game franchise ( an older one and names will constantly be reused as I hold a deep love for it ) so if you pm me the franchise name and if it's correct
I'll send over 100-500 mush as a congrats you know the franchise or just impressed that you somehow managed to find it