Elder ♂ Age: 18
Dominance: 9

Chatbox |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, aw fair. I love cresties. I have a boy myself as well named Trico. Not too sure his genetics or morph, but he has some harlequin in him. And he hasn't decided yet, but he wants to think of something kinda masculine because she has a little mustache and goatee! |
Demonic Angel |
Cae, sorry, autocorrected your name, and she is so pretty, love grey scale wolves |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Cae, the infatuation boost XD I've actually never seen that one. And pup 45 is very pretty. |
Ace |
mowgli, I know! theyre all so cute! My family won't let me get another reptile, so I'm waiting till I move out next year to go to college XD. She's a four (almost 5) year old crested gecko! what'd you name the snek? |
TheFlyingKitten |
I've been doing so much exploring and hunting. I might as well be a professional donator to Hidden Falls by now. XD |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, It's so hard to not buy something sometimes with how pushy some vendors are DX I mean rightfully so, but the community is way too nice to just walk away from. How old is your lizard and what species? |
Ace |
mowgli, aww, awesome! I didn't buy any animals, just got my lizard a birthday presents and looked at some ball pythons for the future. Hopefully next year! |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, how was it? After 2 years of wanting one, my fiance finally decided to get a snake he's been wanting XD she's a dwarf reticulated boa. |
{~Wispy~Wolves~} |
{~Tortoise~} nose Boops {~Mud Speck~} in a meadow. Stats: Social +3 Affinity: Strong Like Mood: Flirty all my male wolves are being flirty today. goofy guys <3 |
Quests |
Alliance Battles |
Challenges |
![]() | Leopard : +2 |
![]() | Cheetah : -2 |
![]() | Jackal : +2 |
Chatbox |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, aw fair. I love cresties. I have a boy myself as well named Trico. Not too sure his genetics or morph, but he has some harlequin in him. And he hasn't decided yet, but he wants to think of something kinda masculine because she has a little mustache and goatee! |
Demonic Angel |
Cae, sorry, autocorrected your name, and she is so pretty, love grey scale wolves |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Cae, the infatuation boost XD I've actually never seen that one. And pup 45 is very pretty. |
Ace |
mowgli, I know! theyre all so cute! My family won't let me get another reptile, so I'm waiting till I move out next year to go to college XD. She's a four (almost 5) year old crested gecko! what'd you name the snek? |
TheFlyingKitten |
I've been doing so much exploring and hunting. I might as well be a professional donator to Hidden Falls by now. XD |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, It's so hard to not buy something sometimes with how pushy some vendors are DX I mean rightfully so, but the community is way too nice to just walk away from. How old is your lizard and what species? |
Ace |
mowgli, aww, awesome! I didn't buy any animals, just got my lizard a birthday presents and looked at some ball pythons for the future. Hopefully next year! |
xxmymøwglibøyxx |
Ace, how was it? After 2 years of wanting one, my fiance finally decided to get a snake he's been wanting XD she's a dwarf reticulated boa. |
{~Wispy~Wolves~} |
{~Tortoise~} nose Boops {~Mud Speck~} in a meadow. Stats: Social +3 Affinity: Strong Like Mood: Flirty all my male wolves are being flirty today. goofy guys <3 |
Den Of | TheFlyingKitten |
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Pack Happiness | 97 |
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I am working on a book and I was wondering what you guys think? Bio: In a world full of violence and survival, five animals from different lands band together to bring peace to the land of Hyrule. With their combined strength, and multiple allies, they will do all it takes to bring back the world they once knew. Characters Winter (Snowy Owl): A quick witted animal, Winter attacks and defends with grace, pride, and power, using her knowledge and flight to look for prey and enemies. Ashiren (Toucan): A kind hearted animal, Ashiren doesn't think before she does, usually getting herself and Winter in trouble when they scout. Esper (Arctic wolf pup): Not much is known about her, but she is known to be a fierce warrior, not fond of choosing the side of good or evil. Capture (Cheetah cub): Feisty and unruly, Capture is very prideful of himself, and doesn't take kindly to challenges. Eyepatch (Giant Panda cub): A hardworking creature when she isn't being lazy, Eyepatch is a smart and loyal animal. Silverstone (Silver fox): A magic caster who is on the side of the quintet, she is wise and never goes anywhere without her assistant Rings. Rings (Ring-Tailed Lemur): A faithful magic assistant, Rings will do anything for Silverstone... even die. FireFoot (Red Fox): A rogue Magic caster, Firefoot is deceitful and disloyal to all but his Magic assistant Redfur. Redfur (Red Husky): Born with a unique coat, Redfur is violent and loyal to no one but FireFoot. Witch (Bombay cat): Named after exactly what she is, Witch causes mischief and chaos. Leaf (Norwegian forest cat): A wizard and mate of Witch, he is sly and cunning, as well as the mentor of Firefoot. Rache (White Rat): Pronounced Raishe, this rat is a cunning, unpredictable creature who enjoys aiding her fellow evil doers in their horrid deeds. Hajan (Spotted Hyena): A surprisingly serious creature, Hajan will tear apart any creature that she can get her muzzle on. Hark (Raccoon): A devious creature, Hark is manipulative and the perfect definition of a "Little demon" Ranks Magic Caster: The only animals allowed to use magic, who can choose which side to be on as soon as they are old enough to speak. Magic Assistant: Loyal companions and protectors of Magic Casters and their assigned students, it is not uncommon to see them fall deeply in love with their superiors. Witch: One rank above Wizards, Witches are mean and vile, assigned with causing chaos. Wizard: The Mates and spell casters of Witches. Scouts: Aggressive watchers (normally aviary) who patrol daily in order to warn of any impending danger. Middles: Animals who fail to choose the side of good or evil. Scratchpads: Armies and warriors. Sovereign idles: Generals and Alphas. Leidles (lay-dles): Communities and large packs. Oikes (oykes): Small packs or lone animals (Panthers, Tigers, Snakes, etc.) Special occasions High day: A day of celebration when young animals gain their roles in society. Havannah Pride: A celebration of the felines, meant to give thanks for prey and kittens. Pack Pride: A celebration of the canines, meant to give thanks for prey and puppies. Jointogether: A time when all three sides (Good, Evil, and Middle) come together to associate in peace. Firepart: A celebration in which all Magic Casters show off all their powers. Special relics Amulets: Only allowed to be worn by Magic Casters, these relics control what is allowed by the Caster themselves. Iron Ore: Useful to Witches, it Is rare and normally used to cause false births. Swords: Normally used by Bipedal animals such as monkeys, these relics are used for many things, including digging, dance training, and, of course, war. 4 Comments |
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Find Shamrocks in explore. The more you collect, the more stuff you can buy in the Event Shop! The person with the most shamrocks will win 10 apples! Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!