Notable Traits
24 Rarity | 2 Talents | -10 Vitals | Uncommon Coat (Faded Liver) | 7th Generation
Breeding: 5 Mush
If you breed to her you will get ALL pups or POL. Please PM me which you would prefer BEFORE the pups are born or they will be Sold or Free Ranged.
In order to breed to her your male needs to be: - 30+ Rarity And - Has An Uncommon or better Coat
Please do not release here, she is a precious wolf to me but I just don't have the room to keep her, please do not buy if your going to release.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality
Pack Life Actions:
❦ Dawn rolls their eyes as ✵Flame tries to impress them. ❦ Dawn and ✵ Mica play tug of war over a deer hide.
Preferences She prefers females.
Special Skills N/A