Biography Hey!
We didn't talk much, but I always thought you were a really cool player to talk to. You've always been friendly. Thank you for that.
I'll miss ya!
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Thanks for this wolf, when I saw the sales alert I thought it was a mistake, then I read the den, and then checked your den. What have people done to the great people on this game? Its gotten so bad even a mod has been fed up.
Oh Kerseus I will miss your green name in chat and me sometimes jumping into whatever you were talking about, I wish I got to know you more, your an amazing and sweet person, you really are my favorite mod to have been on this game, and I remember that tiger avatar you made me, I loved that I still have it actually :D Just stay gold my friend, be better than those who are bugging you, get some bug spray. XD
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