Biography In the dark shadows, was born Ghostfang. Ghostfang grew up as a outcast. He was grumpy most of the time and he has never played. His siblings were always avoiding him. He has never had friends, he always relied on knowledge. He listened to what his parents said, he learned many things from them. He loved battling, was interested in that. He was probably the strongest pup, nobody would mess with him. As he grew older, his father died, he was heart broken. He looked up to him. Ghostfang soon moved on, his mother is still alive and he listens to her. He has had a few pups but he never really visits them. Though the thought of being lonely worries him, but he has found a mate, Echofeather. She may not be rare or strong or anything but at least its she loves him. Though he feels as if he is wrong to be her mate...until one day he figured it out, Ashfoot likes him. He mayed with her but didnt tell Echofeather until later. Once he did tell her, she was okay with it. He was happy.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality N/A
Preferences Mentored: Thunderstrike
Special Skills N/A