Biography Origin: Brixie was born into the same brute pack as Marin and Eastern. Brixie is actually related to Marin, her cousin. Brixie was 4th of a 6 pup litter. Brixie has always been a sassy, prissy gal who seeks luxury and the finer things in life rather than just being happy shes surviving. Brixie was the sister who was considered the angel, couldnt do wrong and was perfect, constantly cleaning herself even offering to clean the whole pack with her speciality herb washes. With taking up this cleanliness hobby she quickly became popular and sought out by pack members wanting to look good and smell fresh. Brixie always looked good and this inspired all the other young she wolves .She adored teaching others how to mix herbal cleanses together and how to apply them to the coat. Among coat and skin care she also collected jewelry, this was an exspensive part of her hobby as she only wanted the finest of the fine; But with the mush she was making as a beautician this was no problem. Brixies family sort of used her image to represent them, and although it was flattering, Brixie didnt appreciate it much. Brixie didnt have enemies, even if she seems sassy and stuck up, she isnt rude and likes to be helpful. The issue she has with her family is using her hardwork and dedication as their symbol, she wishes they would find their own talents and gifts through exploring and trying new things. Brixie knows this will never happen, creating intense emotions towards them.
Pack introductory: After Brixie had heard about her beloved cousin and friend leaving the pack she felt a sort of inspiration, a strong sudden urge to do the same. She thought long and hard for multiple moons, trying to devise a way to do the same. Although she loved what she does for the pack and loved helping those who needed it most, she felt restrained, especially by her family. So after much thought she decided to depart, gathering her herbs and jewelry and any other items important to her, sacked them up in a rabbit skin sack and said her goodbyes. She didnt stay long enough to see the reactions of the pack, to know if they were sad or disappointed, her only focus was finding Marin and Eastern. After many moons of traveling in the said direction of their flee, she began to feel lost; But one fateful night she heard Marins howl, and she howled in response and followed Marins voice throughout the night. When she arrived the next day it was an exciting reunion, Marin was glad to make her the Delta female.
Current pack rank: Delta Wolf#4
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality -Creative -Innovative -Inspiring -Prissy -Calm -Doesnt cross boundaries -Is never in one place for too long -Expert herbalist -Expert gatherer -helpful -smart
Preferences N/A
Special Skills -Excellent hunter -Excellent Howler