Biography N/A
Breeding Info
breedings to elowen will cost 200 mush per POL litter.
1 jasmine = 1 free breeding.
| notable offspring - including retired | - x11 40+R AC - x10 15+V Heros
| Personality | elowen - the forgiving |
often disregarded as naive and foolish, the young elowen holds much more than the eye can perceive. she carries herself with a prideful dignity, words never spewed but instead crooned in elegance and regality; perhaps a bit muddled by her thick southern accent.
elowen is a compassionate and wise soul, truly selfless in the way she lives. she will give other's the fur off her back if need be, anything to help others' qualities of life. when it comes to herself, she'd be happy with nothing. elowen isn't tied to anything, and her free spirit alone is enough to bring her satisfaction. she's wild, rambunctious, and a little sassy; but all in all elowen is truly one of a kind.
Preferences N/A
Special Skills custom designed and made by distant-lands (#304085)
- generation one - heavyweight | 144lbs - hero | +2/+3/+5/+5 - 59R AC