Biography an amazing gift from the lovely ET !! my first infat wolf, appropriately named erasmus :)
Breeding Info
erasmus is available for stud at 10 mush per breeding.
| notable offspring - including retired | - x15 random boosts (including 3 DH's) - x2 random defects
| Personality erasmus | the beloved or desired ..
a known charmer, erasmus peruses the world exuding confidence. he doesn't seem to be easily phased by aggressors or disrespect, and thus is mostly an enjoyable presence to be around. erasmus has an insane capability to remain neutral, as well as hold high compassion and love for all of his packmates.
he can be a bit.. over-protective at times, especially for the wolves younger than himself. he feels the need to watch over them, to make sure they don't get hurt like he was often as a youth..
Preferences decor list: - large fog cloud - red wolf pup - small fog cloud
gear list: - angel wings (tan) - halo
background: - pine forest sunset (special)
Special Skills - G1 Infatuation - Average Howler - Excellent Wrestler