Biography Scout was born into a relatively uptight family, one of the most well know family packs in the area. One that leaned heavily into old traditions and appearances, he was the first born of 4 and was expected to be nothing less than perfect and for the most part he lived up to his parents expectations.
Any free time he had he dedicated to training, if he saw his siblings act up he was quick to curb their behavior, if he saw something that needed fixing he fixed it. He went as far as to make sure he walked, talked, and breathed proper. Something that his parents bragged about often, despite all the approval Scout felt constantly drained. He had no room in his life to do anything he wanted to do. His parents often dragged him along to boring outings and if he was nearby his siblings quickly straightened up, never once did they ask him to join in the fun, although he didn't blame them. He had so much pressure from his parents he often pit the same amount on his siblings.
'You must act right at all times. You never know who's watching.'
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality N/A
Preferences N/A
Special Skills G4 CL 42R AC Ery 76T HW O_O