Biography Being Avenged Sevenfold's number 1 political song, let alone one of the more political songs in metal and rock history, this wolf screams critical Acclaim. His Unique patterns along with the rosewood coat make him look very unique, make his sight just scream debates, fights, democrats vs Republicans, military, disrespect and battle. The song was written in 2008, and is a fan favorite. The song has a unique guitar solo, screaming, talking, powerful words, strong content.
Breeding to Critical Acclaim
price goes up each season
jasmine/toucan feather = 2 free breedings 5 CP = 1 free breeding relics = 2 free breedings
Reservations- 1 free breeding- Howls of Thunder
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality The Rev in the song as a pre-chorus says I've had enough It's time for something real I don't respect the words you're speaking Gone too far A clone
words that Critical Acclaim lives by, He never stands down and will always stand his ground in any challenge. At the same time, he's loving towards his mates and pups, but is extremely loyal towards those that battle and respects our troops and those in the military.
Preferences Honorary pups
-2 Crushing Strength -68R -Dynamic Base coat (time) -Suppressing Valor -cleft Palate -rare nose -Erythrism -2 Violet rare eyes -2 Amethyst rare eyes - 3 Topaz eyes (uncommon) -63+ AC's -Melanism -54R -Time Dynamic coat -54R -Many Hero's -1 Chimara 4 -1 bonfire (legendary) coat -51R -heart murmur defect -inner strength -2 Divine Health -Dark Botanic Quartzite (Uncommon) - Suppressing valor -Runt - 1 boost with defect (DH/Runt) -Travertine (Rare) coat -Hip Dysplasia (Defect) -Sandcastle (rare coat) - Dark grey Rare nose - rosewood (uncommon coat) -second sight boost -Hyposmia (Defect) -Fall (Dynamic coat) -Grey (legendary eyes) -steel (rare coat) -blue (legendary nose)
Special Skills Future pup names
Scream Unbound Dear God Gunslinger