Biography For Sale?- I need a good, grayscale female wolf in return. For Breeding?- PM me
Hello. It's quite the weather out today, isn't it? Come, sit down. There are many here who will tell you who they are without hesitation. I believe that to be quite rude. Are you comfortable? Warm? Good. Now is time for me to tell you about me, and my view of this pack.
My name is Moeder. My job is to be a mother, which my name reflects. That is the job I shall fulfill for the rest of my life. I do not have a boost, which is required to even have a chance at the Explore team. I am not talented, nor am I particularly rare. However, I have proved that I can breed good pups. So far I have had two, but I hope for there to be many more. I may not be as good of a breeder as Schaduw or Kalmte, but I'm at least somewhat valuable.
Valuable enough to not be killed, at least.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Name translates to Mother
Preferences Wolf Occupation- Breeder
Special Skills Gen #- 3 IB or CL?- CL
Significant Pups? Karmic Blessings w/ Dynamic base Deadly Silent Boost