Biography Mocha :: Yemeni :: Chocolate-Coffee ♝ Third Generation ♝ Unparalleled Learning Boost ♝ 135 Pounds ♝ 32 Attack Damage ♝ Hero+7 ♝ Albino mother, UL father.
The word mocha did not originally have anything to do with chocolate or a combination of chocolate and coffee. The Mocha coffee beans were named for the port of Al Mokha in Yemeni, where the beans were shipped from.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality ➤ Adventurous ➤ Bold ➤ Energetic ➤ Loud ➤ Mischievous ➤ Sweet
Preferences N/A
Special Skills ♜ Elite │ Γ Gamma Serving directly under the alpha pair but bearing a rank lesser than that of a beta, Gammas make up the rest of the pack's primary hunters and defenders. It is their duty to maintain peace within the pack via settling disputes and ensuring every wolf's needs are met.
In Pack Relations ~Horkos Uncle : Deceased -- Ponos Cousin ~Sulis Mother : Deceased -- Albert Half-Brother : Deceased -- Hestia Half-Sister -- Malfoy Half-Brother -- Hathor Half-Sister Espresso Son