Ú p a l a
Noun; Sanskrit. [ah-paa-lah]
" The term first appears in Roman writing around 250 BC, at a time when the opal was valued above all other gems. The opals were supplied by traders from the Bosporus, who claimed the gems were being supplied from India. Before this, the stone was referred to by a variety of names, but these fell from use over time. "
Opal Offspring Bred - 7.23 - 88R Female bred by Viceroy - 8.23 - 85R Female bred by Viceroy - 9.25 - 90R Divine Health Male bred by Viceroy
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Artwork done by the amazing pack, The Everlasters. ♥
Preferences N/A
Special Skills - Clear lines! - 1st gen. - Divine Health boost. - Uncommon! Aqua eyes. - Crystalline! Opal base coat. *2ND OS* - "Hero" wolf (+17 vitals).