Biography One of Karma´s twins the bitter she Wolf decided to give her daughters names to show her resentment towards the queen. She named her first born princess to simbolize the Rank this Young pup shall never have. But unlike her mother she harvors no ill resentment towards the queen and loves to play with her daughter.
Now that she is mother herself and Karma's doings affect her pups she hates her more than ever.
Thankfully with Stormcloud's changes now her pups have a better position in the pack because that she is etternally gratefull to the queen and has agreed to do anything for her meaning becoming her spy and keeping a watchfull eye in the pack healers to make sure they don't start speackin any *spiritual non-sense*
Quote: Was it worth it mother? cursing the queen? you rgrandpups now are parias among the pack because of you. your quest of power has only brought suffering to my pups I hope you rot in hell
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Kind, gentle and loving everything her mother isnt
Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A