Biography Warm, milky light filled her eyes when at last she opened them. Her mother's tongue swept across her snow-white fur, comforting heat sweeping beneath her pelt to her young skin. A white diamond was Adonis amongst her pack, her eyes like pearls set in a bed of pure ice. But, she remained unmarred by the spoiling she received, discipline honed her skills, and love painted her heart. Slowly Adonis was seen beyond her beautiful pelt, and that which was seen was seen as desirable, a heart touched with desire, and a mind blessed with intelligence, paws slow to tear and swift to nurture. Yet, her innocence and beauty proved to be a torment of hers, desires and pleas filled her ears day and night. Save her mother she was unprotected, and while Lapsa fought to protect as she could not her siblings, Adonis found herself surrounded by danger.
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Albino twins of 19 and 29 rarity, respectively (her first-ever litter, as well).