Ashrunner cocked his head. With a voice that seemed raw and atonal after the speech the foreigner had given, he croaked: "And what would your great services be like?" The other wolf smiled. "Of course we would never decline daily tasks like hunting, crafting, patrolling et cetera. But on top of that, my brother", and he nodded to his bulky companion, "Sandstorm was able to win the full moon wrestling contest when he was a pup. He nows the moves, and he is a good teacher. If you have appropriate canditates, he can certainly turn them into winners. As for myself, I am a twofold champion within a certain other discipline." He glanced around, using the pause for dramaturgy in order to get their full attention. Then, he sat on his haunches, closed his eyes, raised his head and sang the song of the wolves. His voice was strong and beautiful, intoxicating and meaningful. He spoke of loss and gain, of struggle and achievement, the miracle of life itself and of so much more, barely comprehendible for a mortal soul.
No further deabte was needed. Chenzira and Sandstorm were invited for as long as they wished, and they did not leave the pack so far.
Breeding Info N/A
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Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A