Biography They could feel there was something wrong. The smell of blood was in the air, combined with the sour stench of living beeings being in panic. Flaring their nostrils, the small pack nosed around until they found a well hidden cave entrance. The environment was quite - to quite. A foreboding feeling crept over them, making their fur stand up end. Carefully, they entered the cave one by one.
Inside they found a massacre. Bits of fur, mangled furry carcasses, dried blood - the cave was full of it. Another wolf pack, reduced to shreds and torn pieces. Who could have done that? A mountain lion? A bear? Something unnatural? They were startled from their thoughts by a sudden movement. Ready to pounce and fight to their deaths, the three lupi bared their fangs, growling and crouching low. They relaxed in astonishment, when parts of a fleshy heap collapsed, revealing a besmirched... little thing. The alphas moved closer, eagerly sniffing and snorting. A survivor. A female wolf pup.
Ashrunner frowned and glared at the foreign wolf. Let's show her mercy. Kill her quick and unite her with her pack. Move on, leave this place. Echo of the past cocked her head and gazed upon the pup. Her mate's intention made sense, but there was a sensation inside her that could not make her agree with him. Overwhelmed by maternal feelings, she bared her fangs, and growled. No. She needs us. We can safe her. We only have one pup ourselves, Dunehopper. No harm in taking in another one. Ashrunner shook himself, far to perplex by her motherly emotions and not able to disagree.
From that day on, they run by four. They never found out how Nightingale survived or what killed her pack. These secrets remain as mysterious as Nightingale herself. She differs from the others - not only in color and markings, but also in behavior and appearance, being rather quite, thoughtful and spiritual attuned. Always keen to learn more about everything, she prefers to hunt for lore and insight rather than squirrels and rabbits.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality N/A
Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A