Biography "What is THAT?" A black she-wolf snarled at White Ghost, a kind wolf who said he would take care of me.
"It's a pup!" White Ghost replied, eyeing the she-wolf cautiously.
"I know that!" The she-wolf snapped. "I mean, why is he here?" She growled.
White Ghost lowered his ears, giving the she-wolf a sad look.
"He's all alone and has nowhere to go. He won't live by himself. Come on, Black Demon, just look at him." White Ghost said, nudging me in front of him.
I looked the she-wolf, Black Demon, in the eyes nervously as she glared at me.
"Fine," She says. "But you'll be fully responsible for taking care of him." Black Demon growled at White Ghost.
"Oh thank you!" White Ghost exclaimed, licking Black Demon's snout affectionately.
Black Demon backed away, snorting.
From that day on, I've always been trying my best to prove myself to Black Demon, who I consider as my mother, and always be with White Ghost, who was the closest thing I had to a father.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality N/A
Preferences N/A
Special Skills -Has sired a Leucism!
-Has sired an Erythrism!