Biography Her name is inspired by Dear Evan Hansen's 'You Will Be Found,' which I saw the day after I made her. A truly amazing show. <3
Like, honestly, I could ramble on for days about the show. It made me cry a lot more than I expected (cried more than I saw this than I did when I saw Hamilton O-o). While there's shows that I might like a smidgen better, DEH is certainly up there. It helped me realize a lot of things about myself, about how I'm never really alone even though I'm a small awkward bean, and that sometimes, all I gotta do is take a risk and embrace my weird little awkward self for who I am.
For anyone who happens to be reading this, especially if you're going to a rough time, I just want to say, you're awesome. Go the nearest mirror and take a good look at yourself, eh? Sure, there's flaws, nobody's perfect. But y'know what? Nobody's completely flawed either. And if you're feeling alone, feeling like you don't matter, screw that. You're not alone, none of us are alone. All you gotta do is find yourself, the beautiful things about yourself when you look in that mirror. And, trust me, other people will find those things beautiful too. You just gotta believe me: You Will Be Found. <3
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality How her breeding is going to work~
First off, I'm going to breed this girl as much as possible. Like, use a jasmine and breed her again right after she's had her pups. But (with the exception of a few preliminary studs)the males I breed her to are going to be quite random. Basically, when I'm ready to breed, I'm gonna go into Trading Post and search for customized 55+R males for stud (*without* sorting by price, so the results are randomized). The first male that comes up that I haven't already bred to, I'll breed to. This'll hopefully get some interesting results. ^^
Down below I'm going to post the males I have bred her to and the results of the pups. Here's a little guide to it:
- A stud's name in bold means the pups were visually appealing. - A studs nane italics means the pups were ugly. - The numbers are the rarity scores of the pups. - A letter next to one of the pup's rarity numbers means it has a rare attribute. U, R, and L for uncommon, rare, and legendary, and P, E, and N for pelt, eyes, and nose. For example, if I write 35(UP), that means the wolf is 35 rarity with an uncommon pelt. - The letters BST next to a pup's rarity number means the pup has a boost. If it's a divine health or other boost that I like, I might list it in the format of BST-DH or something like that. - The letters BD next to a pup's rarity number means the pup has a birth defect. If it's a defect I like, I might list it in the format of BD-MELA or something like that.
Preferences The Great List of Males
Ryker - 25 / 25 / 25 Jengo - 23 / 29 / 37 FadedRed - 32 / 19 / 22 A p o l l o - 32 / 36(LN) / 34 Volga - 37 / 20 / 23 Lestat - 25 / 33 / 24 Blue Boy - 34 / 30 / 44(UP) Exodus - 35 / 30 / 32(BD) Samson's Echo - 20 / 31(UE) / 16 MacDonnell - 24 / 28 / 24 Atlas - 42 / 23 / 25 Enochain - 27 / 38 / 40(LN) Charcoal - 34 / 16 / 43(UN) Ciel - 20 / 25 / 29 Pluto Hymn - 28 / 33 / 39(BST) Aurum- 29 / 31(UN) / 34 Styx - 22/ 31 / 32 Bruce Wayne - 39 / 24 / 26 Night of Shadow - 45 / 32 / 28 Semper Fidelis - 30 / 22 / 29 Leroy 23 / 28 / 30(UE) Dionysus' Crown - 71(LP) / 38 / 22 Check Mate - 40 / 18 / 38(UP) Ora Batalisto - 23 / 31 / 40 Anatole - 22 / 23 / 35 Polar Treat - 31 / 32 / 29 Anniversary - 27 / 31 / 29 Rex Cryptae- 15 / 20 / 25 Amir Alkharif - 27 / 28 / 34 Lucifer II - 35 / 35(BD-ERY) / 27 Helvegan - 29 / 24 / 28 Peter - 26 / 16 / 18 Aiden - 26 / 24 / 37 Atari Teenage Riot - 43 / 34 / 26 Kymil - 22 / 24 / 24
Special Skills Breed to (in no particular order):
Aster Vladimir Tod Texas Distance Ekon Anniversary Ashe Neo Destrey Amir Alkharif Even Flow Halvegan Grandpa Tomas Zorren Handsome Jack Ekuloch II Nephilim Soul Bound