Biography The wind shrieked endlessly,
the cavern aching from the pitter-patter of water dripping on the stone cold ground.
A creature cackled, its own iron claws tip-tapping gently against the limestone.
Elegantly, it paced to it's own barren den, not giving a damn if anyone chose to cross her. She held herself confidently, knowing her authority and power.
Oh. And the others. The reckless, idiotic creatures that challenged her.
Hecate lived inside her. She knew no fear. She was fear.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Hecate: Goddess of magic, crossroads and ghosts. (HeckÂÂÂ’-ate or Heh-cahÂÂÂ’-tay)
Preferences Highest rarity: 28 Highest Talent:25
Special Skills -3rd generation -Hero wolf -CL