Art | Writing | |
status | Open | Open |
Current Pricing (Subjected to change) | Headshot line art: 100 mush Headshot colored: 120 mush Fullbody line art: 140 mush Fullbody colored: 180 mush I also make bio separators, like the paws in my bio! Price for those is 45 mush | OC Lore: 100 mush per 100 words (discuss budget for writing length.) Any other writing: flat price of 100 mush. |
Constraints | No NSFW, only light gore allowed, I AM COLORBLIND AND MAY MAKE MISTAKES WHEN COLORING | No NSFW, no works over 2k words |
Payment method | 50% before and 50% after, or 100% before | 50% before and 50% after, or 100% before |
Approximate Waiting Time | 3 days to a week | 1 week to 2 weeks |

Art Comm slots | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 | Slot 5 |
Writing Comm slots | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 | Slot 5 |

Form for both Art and Writing Commissions
Summary of what you want: | {show refs for the art via the forums or Dms, or with guidance on writing, if you ordered writing} |
Payment Plan | {50% before and 50% after, or 100% before} |
(if writing) Category | {lore, skit, story, description, or script} |
Total price (for writing, I will charge no more than 2000, as that is my word limit) | {the total amount of currency for the comm/comms} |

NOTES (please read before buying)
*If I raise my prices after you order a commission, you will pay the original price, not the new one
*If I close my commissions while working on yours, that commission will still be complete
*Do not try to haggle on prices, the art is already cheap. Be respectful.
*Please mention me in your bio if you use my art as a bio separator, profile picture, just art in your bio, or if you post it on any platforms
*I often get overwhelmed with my worklife, studies, and the art I do here, so please be patient
*one apple = 1,000 mush (may increase or decrease based on market price)
*one artwork now is equal to one slot, no longer one person per slot, so that I can avoid being overwhelmed


Writing Example: