Have some incorrect quotes!
Andi, to Garvin; “They will never love you as much as they love others. How hard it must be for you to know that. And how important it is to remember.”
Garvin; “I wasn’t injured. I was lightly stabbed.”
Akira; “You were stabbed?!”
Garvin; “Lightly stabbed. I didn’t wanna frighten you.”
*At a party*
Giles; “What happened?”
Garvin; “Jusepe blew it! He wouldn’t give some guys sugar!”
Giles; “What?! Go give them some sugar!”
*The squad has been playing Monopoly for over two hours. Garvin is winning.*
Garvin, in a complete villain arc, mad with power; “I’m opening a new chain of hotels on the pale blues and the oranges… And I’m raising your rent… Again… It’s not even that I need the money— I don’t, I have the holiday home in Spain… But I do need you, to know your place…”
Garvin, mostly about himself but way too, well, himself to be that honest/vulnerable with anyone; “Are we, like… Too weird sometimes? Should we just be more... Normal?”