
There we go! Now Atlas has something else to be angsty about! Yay!

That's greatness- We should probably figure out just how Adbrei was getting bullied in that moment, since he's gotten(and still does) get bullied in practically every way(except for one, that kind only happened once and now he does everything in his power to make sure it doesn't happen again).

Hm, I'm not really sure, I feel like Atlas would feel equally guilty about them all, soooo- Whatever you think is best

Well- Was Atlas the only bystander or was there multiple? NPC or otherwise lmao

I think him being the only one would be better, more direct guilt = more angst XD

Then it'd probably be one of the less physical moments since fights tend to draw more attention/bystanders


I've finished affiliations for Ami, Jass, and Gen'ya so far- For Gen'ya I made sure to add quotes to all of them, haha. Because that's totally something Gen'ya would do.

I have to say, I absolutely love the quotes at the end of all Gen'ya's affiliations. They actually fit really well.

Oh, wow, in sync. We share a brain cell yet again XD