From head pats to hostage XD
Did Zeke get stabbed in his right arm?
Yes. But at least they got a real weapon now. ;-;
Where should they head on the wagon. towards the docks? or somewhere they can lay low until night fall?
WOODS. I've envisioned them going to the woods since the beginning. They can head off into a large section of forest seperated from the public. Since they're further out into the country side than the palatial capital, I imagine they can run into some fantasy creatures there and lay low for a bit. After that, I imagine thats when our hijacking idea can come into play. Probably some farmers boat.
Awesome love it, she shall head that way.
Okie, finished that reply.
His post will be up tomorrow afternoon. sigh. Poor, poor Lyra. - Meanwhile, I'm going to brainstorm how to naturally introduce a tribe of man eating trolls into the rp.
I'm scared for Lyra now Ooo ok from prisoners to dinner theyll never catch a break
Yes, yes. Lmao. But after they have a nice "calm" talk about their identities. His post is up now. He's just messing with her now, can't wait until they finally realize who the other is.