Nothing better than a chicken fried lord to ease the hangry nerves on a stressful day
My plan is to finish Anatolious Post & have him arrive. Then post for Ahura
This RP is getting suspiciously slow..
I am still alive; just lots of doctor appointments ^^'
Mother said: I am still alive; just lots of doctor appointments ^^'
Oh no. Are you sick? D:
I am currently waiting on responses ^^
No, I'm just the designated driver and/or "make sure the house doesn't burn down" caretaker for in-laws and the babies. I don't have anything for me until the middle of November, I think. And that's just a normal thingy.
Currently working on Ahura. Decided he's needed more than Anatolious atm The Bewitched said: I am currently waiting on responses ^^
I'm mainly waiting for Sedna, but I'll probably try and get Parker out sometime this week ^^
I need to still post for Nicodemus. I know Tene will try to post soon, she's just been ungodly busy lately.
It's okay if the rp slows down.
We could talk here about ideas and subplots and stuff while we wait? I have an idea for a subplot that I want to do ^^