Yeah or 'yOu ShOuLdNt MaKe ThOsE tYpE oF jOkEs' sorta thing
Yeah exactly. If it was directly effecting/triggering someone I'd obviously apologise & stop but if they don't mean anything and it wasn't hurting anyone, while actually being funny then just chill lol
I second that. Especially if you've heard the other person make jokes like that and they attack you when you make one that is basically the same, that just sets me off.
It's so hypocritical, if they didn't wanna hear jokes like them, don't make them yourself. Plain and simple
Agreed. I don't understand why the concept would be so hard to understand
It's literally not difficult to understand, people just need to sit and think about their actions
Yup. And there's always those little snowflakes who take everything serious. If you dont like my jokes or even me, just tell me and I won't talk to you anymore.
Those little snowflakes as you call them, ooh boy they annoy me. Just please, shut up if you're just gonna be an asshole
Yeah, or try to prove me wrong when I say something that I know isnt fact. Like dude, its a joke, chill
Yeah, that's happened a few times in class, somebody making corona joke being blantantly racist and I end up correcting them and them going full 'iT wAs ThE bAt'S fAulT"