They'd get to the bánánach and turn to Garvin because he said he was born in Ireland and he'd be just as confused as the rest of them lmao He's more likely to recognize random creatures from the state's mythology than Irish ones lol
I imagine them running for their lives and Hikaru yelling, "Quick, Garvin, what is that?!" And Garvin just looks back and tells him, "It's pissed off."
Haha, that's exactly what would happen. Earlier on in the video would be all like- Tory; "Rumor has is that this place is haunted by an Irish monster. Luckily, we have an Irish monster of our own to tell us everything about this beast. Isn't that right, Garbo?" Garvin, being the liar he is; "Y'know it! We got this! Just gotta find it first." - Also, just realized that Tory referred to Garvin as Garv in front of Macy, who does not know that Garvin's name is, you know, Garvin. This is going to be fun.
I wonder how many of these people actually know all the legends of their homes. I mean, obviously Garvin's got nothing. Darla knows a ton aout hers, I think. We'd have to see how many are just winging it XD
Honestly, with the amount of nicknames it'll be a miracle if people know who is being referred to half the time.
Garvin was a bit too busy just trying to survive to learn about different mythological creatures while in Ireland lmao And he's never really been that interested in learning about his country of origin since he got to the states and all. The place did nothing for him, he doesn't care about keeping up with it. So, uh, yeah. He's got absolutely nothing. Unless it's something like a banshee which tends to be kind of big in the states too and then he knows only the bare minimum. He isn't that interested in mythological creatures and the supernatural just in general lmao He's winging all of it. - Haha, that's fair. Hopefully the context clues will help everyone!
Well, if they do make the mistake of asking Gar once, they definitely won't do it again. I mean, to be fair thought, several of them were not immersed in American culture and won't know as much as him anyway. So he's got that going for him at least :)
Yeahhh The one time they don't ask is going to be the one time he knows something too XD But for sure, they get to Louisiana or Texas or literally any of the Midwest to West Coast areas and suddenly he knows more than anyone else there, just because he's traveled to those places more than anyone else of the group or because he grew up in/near those places. In a much healthier environment than Ireland had been for him. Edited at November 11, 2024 03:38 PM by Overthink101
I think him and Darla are going to be particularly useful to the group in this regard :) I'm sure Garv will have some moment where he waits last minute to tell everyone something useful because they didn't ask him.
Oh for sure. It happens every time he actually knows something and they don't ask. Either out of spite that they didn't ask him. Or because he just forgot to tell them that he knew something. Both are very likely scenarios with him lmao
Someone just nearly dies from something and Garvin tells them vital information at the last possible moment, and when they get mad he'll just be like, "Well, you never asked."