Thank you :D
I kind amesses up on the legs because its my first time trying to do a defensive pose sort of lol
8 should really study actually pictures on poses haha
Again thank you for your advice ^^ Coyote said:
Your background is amazing, I am horrible at backgrounds myself and appreciate the effort that goes into a good one. I've drawn a draft for the two figures, and it would perfectly fit over that image, if you wanted to copy it as a layer and use it for reference.
Your legs are a bit boneless, but that's perfectly alright, and a commen mistake. The joints don't bend quite right, and are a bit over-extended. Your noses are a little droopy, and the heads, for the size of the animals, could be a bit too big, but that is more a choice of style than anything else.
Your tail is beautiful, even in draft form. It has a very natural position.
Wings never have to be accurate, unless they are on a bird, but I personally like to make the joints a bit more visible, to show the weight of a wing that size.
I am far from great at anatomy myself, so feel free to dismiss my draft.
I have this little guy. I am quite proud of him but I know I need to work on wings. I know the eye is huge but I think it gives him more expression.
I'm not really able to help on the bird itself but I cam help witbthewinge
Your style is more like an my little pony pegaeus, I understand if you want cartoonybutmaybe include the feathers and add a shop
Maybe study some anatomy etc ^^ Ticci Toby said: https://postimg.cc/hhN8Q1pX
I have this little guy. I am quite proud of him but I know I need to work on wings. I know the eye is huge but I think it gives him more expression.
Maybe look at this image ^^ https://www.google.com/search?q=folded+bird+wings+sketch&safe=strict&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiumqHVqpPgAhW5TBUIHco-A5QQ_AUoAXoECA0QAQ&biw=424&bih=713#imgrc=qx3UPHeh69viWM
What do you all think of this fellow? I'm doing a sort of art project with my friend where we design an animal/anthro on a month and auction them together.
@Coyote That looks incredible! You have everything spot on in my opinion. I especially love how fluid the pose is. Beautiful job!
Can I get some Critique on this? It's supposed to be some sort of Fox Hybrid.
Dragon It's really well done and the only thing I could really see under close inspection is that the eyes of the animal seem to be looking up and idk if you meant for that but to me I thought the iris needed to be more in the corner to have it looking at the butterfly, again I dont know if that's what you meant to do. Otherwise it looks really good and nothing seems off to me like heck I had to really zoom in XD
B R A V E said: DragonIt's really well done and the only thing I could really see under close inspection is that the eyes of the animal seem to be looking up and idk if you meant for that but to me I thought the iris needed to be more in the corner to have it looking at the butterfly, again I dont know if that's what you meant to do. Otherwise it looks really good and nothing seems off to me like heck I had to really zoom in XD
Lol, thank you. Yea, it was on purpose, the character is blind :,)
Thank you, Dragon's Fire. And your picture is beautiful. My only critique would be the hooves. The hooves seem to connect directly to the bone with little join between it and the legs, but that's a small thing on a wonderful image.
Coyote said: Thank you, Dragon's Fire. And your picture is beautiful. My only critique would be the hooves. The hooves seem to connect directly to the bone with little join between it and the legs, but that's a small thing on a wonderful image.
Thank you!