Okay, Let me try again. I gave Gostay an extra 100 posts, so I think I can count this time. Don't ask >.< Edited at August 17, 2020 03:37 PM by ~Non Sequitur~
So Ghosty is #1 Annoying I'm #2 Annoying Nonners is # 3 Annoying Disabled Granny is #4 Annoying
I love how you added Belle even though she can't post. Lol. I wonder how often she even checks this forum.
144 Ghosty 120 Me That leaves 129 for Glace. This is probably wrong, because I only counted myself and Ghosty. Which means I just need to spam 9 posts and become equal with Glace Edited at August 17, 2020 03:40 PM by ~Non Sequitur~
I am rather impressed with my ability to talk so much. XD
post # 121 XD It's because Glace and I don't talk as much in your absence as you do in ours. Edited at August 17, 2020 03:42 PM by ~Non Sequitur~
Ghosty has to tell us about her life. It's valuable commentary
Glaciers Voice said: I counted 137 for me but I could be wrong
I wonder if I counted wrong, but I felt like I missed mine instead of adding someone elses.
We all have blue themes, and it makes it harder to count
I must always share! It is such fun! Your comments make life liveable.