Glace - I will cut you off from the inheritance.
Ooh Cookies. New Time Zone. I could stay up later with a new Time Zone. Night chat is awesome.
Sequin! How dare you even consider this! After all I've done.... *tears up* After I've made you this lovely chat....
If I ever respond to Belle's roleplay then I'll head onto Glace's unless Elaysia replies before I get to Glace's. I used to work on multiple roleplay replies at once because I am scatter brained and easily distracted, then I would close tabs and there went my beautiful reply
TimesGhost said: Sequin! How dare you even consider this! After all I've done.... *tears up* After I've made you this lovely chat....
Ha. I told you to. I bossed around my Granny. I should have done it, because I am the bossy Nonny.
Oh you poor child... I am down to one active, a semi-active, and two where I get a response once every wee to three weeks.
And I know Sequin! I should respond to yours and I feel terrible about not but I chose a hard character to play and I don't have much to work off of.
Ha. You wanted the female dragon. XD XD
Since it has reached the second week, we may need to time skip to where he's being attacked by hunters and she does her thing
Hush. Do not remind me of my folly.