
Alex Alex chuckled at the look Lucian gave him. "Its alright we can do it when you're comfortable. But know I'll be by your side the entire time so no need to worry about falling and getting hurt I know you can't ride alone right now," He says gently. Amathea She'd bite his arm when her reached to grab her since she couldn't do much other. She glared angrily not wanting to move anywhere. Luke He would smile as she fell asleep in his arm and he gently stroked her continuin to walk following the feather whenever he found them. Kira He watched Moon seeing the smile she had given before returning to her normal self to bark at Barca. He wondered if her still had a shot at befriending Moon and Luna despite him having kidnapped them. Zero He continued to growl warning Jethro to back off.

Lucian Lucian nodded and took a few breaths hebthan asked for help to climb up top the horse. Once up he holds on tight fearing the pain of falling though Alex said he wouldn't let it happen. "Okay" part of him hoped he'd be able to keep he baby horse hrd get to name but didn't say anything. Jullian Jullian was pissed slapping her as hsrd as he possibly could. He was ot on e to hold back his anger not knowing how. "We are going instead one was or another" he snapped face r look red. Barca Barca wags his tail a playful bark leaving his mouthit was deep yet not to threatening, not to a wolf anywayhe now lays in between the girls and Kira . Jethro Jethro grumbled to himself while hesring Zero. "Are you serious my boy. You are secured now you'll be taken care of soon enough

alex started to wake up moon would end up smiling again when seeing the wolf being happy but soon again gone back to her normal self when the wolf had lay down luna would stay asleep

Forgot to give Kiras reference sheet so here ya go so you know him better since hes my favorite main oc to play; Name: Kira Arakawa Age: 23 Height: 6'8" Hair: Black Eyes: Reddish-Gold Brown Gender: Male Ethnicity: British/English/Highlander Accents?: Slight british accent with a bit of a roughness to it from being a highlander too Likes: Strawberry Tarts (big sweet tooth), Knives, Blood, Dogs/Wolves (Prefers wolves more), The woods Dislikes: Society, Cats, Guns (Thinks They're Unfair), Kids (Loud & Obnoxious) Personality: Curt, Stern, Abnormally Calm, Creepy, Rude Other: Mentally insane (sometimes doesn't show but rare), Enjoys kidnapping to torture Backstory: Kira is a young man who was strange from birth. He always had a strange lure towards horror and knives. At 8 he started to kill small creatures such as rabbits and hamsters because he describe it as "fun". People judged him for this and he began to turn on them commiting his first murder at 12. His parents tried to help and protect him but he continued to kill anything that breathed/moved. He eventually ran away at 14. The cops have been searching for him for 9 years now. He always manages to evade them through tricks. He's mad over 100 kills now and he continues to do it but most think hes just a myth, a rumor, a fake story made up for entertainment, and to scare kids

Name: Isaac "Zack" Foster Gender: Male Age: birth date unknown, at least 21 Ethnicity: Korean Sexuality: Asexual (the type where theyre not usually interested) Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 Looks: Heterochromatic Gold-Brown eyes. His tall slender frame hides how strong he really is. He has unkempt black shoulder length hair with almost as long bangs that somewhat frame his face. The top half of his body is covered in burn scars, hidden by the mummification of bandages he keeps himself wrapped in. Other scars are more recent, one across the stomach, and several bullet wound scars across his arms, chest, stomach, shoulders, back, and thighs. Typically seen in a brown bloodstained hoodie with blood red pants. Looks vvvvvvvv . Personality: Generally childish in some ways - doesnt like being told what to do, short attention span, short tempered, annoyed easily- but despises liars. He has a natural lie detection, a gut feeling he's learned over the course of his life to trust always. He is incredibly violent towards most people who smile, and even more so towards liars. He enjoys scaring people the most, and absolutely loves ruining the days of anyone he sees having a good time - generally by watching their expressions change so drastically from happiness to fear and despair at the sight of him. Surprisingly enough, he gets disgusted by those who wish harm upon themselves. He is also unable to read or write, never having gone to school due to a tormenting childhood that resulted in a murder child. His childhood left him to survive in the world at only 8 years old, resulting in natural, and very honed instincts that kept him alive for the next 13+ years. Kindness is also a foreign concept to him. He has only one memory of someone being kind to him, but they had been killed for money by some thugs, so he has always assumed that kindness gets you killed and will often reject any form of help Edited at November 15, 2021 03:05 AM by Sir Vibes

Alex He would stay off his own horse for the time being as he gently leads Lucian around. He would let go until Lucian relaxed a bit as he seen how tight Lucian was grasping to the reins. "So ya like animals?" Hed ask to lighten the mood up a bit and distract Lucian from his fear. Amthea She would let out a cry when slapped then would try to pull away to run. She hated Julian spitting in his face to hopefully get him to let go of her somehow. Luke He would eventually find the road in which they had took his mother upon and he began to follow the carriage trail excitedly. Kira He'd walk off towards his kitchen wanting to get something feeling thirsty. Hed soon open his fridge and grab hold of a beer opening it. Hed then return to the living room drinking it as he watched them. Zero He just would continue to growl threateningly at Jethro hating the guy. He had his fangs bared still ready to bite Jethro the first chance he got. Tang He sees a strange guy nearby licking at the trees and hed nudge Julian to show him. "The hell is wrong with that guy. Does he think trees are food?" He thought aloud. Kasai (yes new oc added because I can never have to many XD) He'd be nearby Julians home/school licking a tree as if it was the most delicious thing hed tasted. Kas wasn't to smart as he was always licking or eating or touching things he shouldn't be. Hed eventually wander out of the trees into sight of Julian and Tang but was still licking at tree limbs and leaves. He didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Lucian Lucian sat up top the horse holding his breath not wanting to fall knowing full well it will hurt. "Uh yah imthink so" Lucian stated still holding on tightly. This made his pain worse . Jethro Jethro dudnt much appreciate this by the wolf feeling very disrespected. He grabs a shock stick placing in in the wolfs side. "Knock it off idiot" he snapped. Barca Barca was now laying stretched out n the ground like a fur rug. His ears twitching when he heard Kira moving lifting his head up watching him. Jullian Jullian was dealing with her but soon his attention was turned toward the strange guy kicking everything. "What tge Hell is wrong with him" he asked no one really.

alex looked around after waking up and wounder where he was alice would shake do to just fear
scarlet would stay asleep
luna would stay asleep moon would now just be calm looking around
a male named matthew would walk around the forset at the size of 6,7 and a bit skiny and with black hair and black coloring in his eyes and pure white skin with elf looking ears (but not a elf) the male was calm and a bit on the dumb side and even more so when bored and got scared easy sometimes and used to be on a island with things he didn't know what to call but at night try to eat other humans and he was around the age of 18 or 19 he could not remember his own age to well as he was send to the island when he was around 7 (more will be found out more into rp oh and he kind of has like a goth look i guess but you can make that up to fit more into the time of age they in and i guess you can make it up in your own mind to how he fully looks ;-;' ) Edited at September 19, 2021 03:28 PM by Willow Creek

Alex He noticed Lucian looked like he was in worse pain from this so he'd stop the horse and gently help him off the horse. Amathea She would look stopping her fight momentarily to watch the strange male. She tilts her head wondering why the guy was trying to eat a tree. Kira Hed just resume sipping on his beer watching the 3 seeming calm as well. He would then speak "so Moon what are you and Luna?" Zero He would yelp but go back to snarling at Jethro almost immediately after. He intended to kill Jethro first chance he got. Tang "I dont know...." He says then asked "you want to go see who he is once she's secure?" He asked quietly as he continued to watch Kasai. Kasai He just continued to chomp at the tree happily not taking any notice to the 3 watching him.

Lucian Lucian holds his breath when helped from the horsen breathing again once on the ground. "Your horses are beautiful sir. One day I hope maybe I might be able to afford such beauty" he whispered. Barca The majestic white wolf lay stretched out by Kira'sv feet. Like a faithful pet. Hebyawns awaiting Moons responses hebtoo curious. Jethro Jethro tightens the cgins on Zero's bodylast thinghe needed was the wolf free. It just wasn't safe. He now begins to walk once he was sure the guy was secured. Jullian Jullian nodded "yes yes he would make for a good freak at the fair or something" he stated with a shrug. He holds Ametha close not wanting her to escape