
Elias He/Him Feeling nervous at the text he looks away and smiles __________________________ Sure, when? __________________________ He wanted to say he did a bold thing but he felt stupid if he did.

Henry He/him He looks at the text ------------- I am going right now it at this place red hillman club ------------ Henry was proud of himself letting asking him to go then he when back to getting ready

Elias He/Him ______________ Alright, meet you there. And i might bring a friend of mine lol ______________ Elias turned off his phone and put in the back of his jean pocket. He took off his black/grey shirt and put on a white t-shirt then a dark flannel. He looked in his closet mirror and quickly brushed his hands through his hair. He knew his mother was already asleep in the recliner watching a old 90s movie. He easily slid through his window that he had left open from earlier. Edited at November 30, 2022 08:22 PM by Morning Pace

Henry He/him ---- Alright see you -------- Then Henry walks down stairs meets his brother and they head out and towards the party Henry was so happy and his brother couldn't think of why he was so happy they pulled in since it wasn't far and they got out and walks towards the door

Elias He/Him - Elias meets Noah down the block, Noah drives them both to the mysterious party while he kept complaing how Elias is going to some randos party and is going to die. When then arive Elias pulls out his phone ______________________ Alright im here..- ____________________ Now he was regreting coming to this party, what if it was some joke? He waits a moment for Greyhound to respond, glad noah had tinted windows.

Henry He/him Henry told his brother he was waiting for someone and was out side ----- Great I am at the door waiting ------- Henry puts his phone away and sat down and smiles at the girls other walked by he didn't care about them

Elias He/Him Elias he leaned back and groaned had he made a mistake? __________________ Alright __________________ He brushed his hair slightly in his eyes he could feel nervous and shaky. Opening the car door he waved his friend on (who needed to go park the car). Elias looked at the building, it wasn't completly old but looked like it stood for a few years. He saw a figure by the door, and his heart hammered, Why did he care so much? He saw a group of girls past and watched as the figure didn't even glance at them. Opening his phone: _________________ Are you the one by the door? _________________ Elias not yet abled to see who the figure was just stood there waiting for a response like the idiot he was.

Henry He/him Henry sighed as he leans against the wall hearing his phone buzzed --------- Yes ------ Then looks around and wonders where he was Henry hate acting like a idiot just standing there and not in side at the party and his brother text getting a little bit annoying

Elias He/Him Elias sighed pushing his hands in his pockets with his phone. Taking calmed steps toward the figure before he was standing a few feet away, He was slightly shocked who it was. He tried not to display it, what if it was a coincidence? "Hey, Greyhound?" He said nervously, glad his hair was in his eyes to hide the nervousness

Henry He/him Henry looks at him and said "hi " then through great it the kid from school then said " want to go in "as he watches the ground moving rocks some with his foot waiting for his reply and wanting to know why his brother took him here Henry was shy to meet him but most of all scared what if he didn't want to be his friend since he was the kid from school everyone talked about