Liri sat down as Delta returned and Sombra started to explain what had happened. Listening quietly with her ears pricked up. "Well, atleast everyone is ok now..sort of" she said, offering a small smile. She was just glad no one was seriously hurt, just sick from having eaten the deer...and rabbit. They'd need a bit of time to recover from that. Emery watched as Delta returned to his spot, then looked over at Sombra when started to speak, telling them what had happened. Followed by Delta giving his point of view, what he could remember of it anyways. She was willing to bet this happened because of them not getting chance to shift in the last few days.
Emerald listened closely as Sombra and Delta gave their point of view of what happened. It all lined up and made sense, though she was suddenly reminded that they were supposed to have training in their wolf forms today. This was such bad timing, if only they could have waited a few more hours. Though it seemed the universe rather let this happen than anything else. "This was all such bad timing, but that's alright. Liri and Emery got you back in control and now you just have to rest for 10 minutes. Also, maybe we can all get some sleep in but... It may only be 3 or so hours" "I haven't slept at all...so 3 hours would be at least something" Delta said as he rested his head on his paws, realizing he hadn't apologized yet he lifted his head again. "And I'm sorry too... For making you all panic and accidentally dragging Sombra into it" "Its alright Delta" Sombra looked over at him and gave him a smile. "Better to have gone off in a pair, than alone in case we ran into anything dangerous" He said before setting his own head back down. Delta relaxed a little more at what Sombra said, "thanks.." He laid his head down and closed his eyes just to relax. After the 10 minutes passed, Delta sat up and scratched his side. "Ok... I think we're good to travel now"
As the minutes passed, Emery had settled down and curled up in a ball, keeping an eye on Delta and Sombra to prevent herself from drifting off. There were alot of sounds in the forest to listen to aswell, even a few night birds or very early birds. When Delta sat up she lifted her head slightly, a yawn escaping before she uncurled and got to her paws. Shaking some twigs and leaves that had gotten into her fur from laying on the ground. Liri had remained alert as they waited, unable to relax. She looked over when there was movement and Delta spoke. "Alright" she said, glancing around at everyone as they all got up and ready to start moving back towards the base. "Let's try not to chase anything else tonight" she added with a light humor. If Sombra had gone after Delta earlier, it probably meant all of them would do the same then they'd have bit of a problem. Though she doubted anyone would have that problem, especially Delta and Sombra.
"I promise you... Me and Delta won't be running after anything... We're already not looking forward to having to jump over the wall" Sombra said as he sat up and started to follow behind Liri and Wyatt. He didn't know how far him and Delta had ran away from the base so he hoped they didn't have to travel too far. "How could we chase anything after how we feel" Delta responded as he walked beside Sombra, Emerald and Emery walking behind them. "and I agree with you about jumping over the wall" Delta added, not even sure if he would be able to jump it. He'd find out in a couple of minutes or so.
After a while of walking, they were back at the basecamp infront if the wall. Emery jumped up first, balancing herself carefully on the wall as she looked over the yard. It was still as quiet and lifeless as it had been when they had left here some time ago. She glanced back at the others then hopped down to the other side, landing lightly and getting out of the way to avoid collision with whoever came over next. Liri watched as Emery disappeared over the wall, if there had been anyone out and about she would have come back down. She looked over at Sombra and Delta. "Think you can make it?" She asked quietly. If they couldn't, then it would be bit of a struggle to get them in there. She honestly wasn't sure what they would do if they couldn't make the jump.
Sombra and Delta looked up at the wall, it gave them the illusion that it was taller than before. "I mean... We made it over to get here... And there's no where to else to enter" Sombra said, trying to be optimistic. "That was before we ate and threw up and feel like our stomach was twisting" Delta said looking at Sombra. "Let's just.. Get this over with" Sombra said as he walked over to the wall. Sombra got ready to jump, he just had to ignore the feeling he felt in his stomach so he could get this done quickly. He jumped onto the top of the wall, the sudden quick movement making him a little dizzy. "Ok, I did the hard part... Come one Delta you can do it too" Sombra said as he jumped down and sat down next to Emery, holding back another sick feeling. "Ok-... That might have done it" Delta watched Sombra make his way to the top of the wall, and then listened as Sombra quietly called to him. "can't wait to lay down after this stupid jump..." He muttered as he walked up to the wall, taking a deep breath before he jumped. He half made it, his front paws were on the top but his hind legs were dangling. He panicked for a few seconds before managing to pull himself up, hoping that his scurrying didn't cause too much noise. Edited at March 23, 2021 12:11 PM by Moonwing
"You alright?" Emery asked, giving Sombra a slightly concerned look as he joined her on the other side of the wall. Moments later, Delta appeared, but only partially, clinging on with his front paws for a moment before managing get himself up. Liri watched as first Sombra made it over, then Delta. She got to her paws, took a slight step back, then launched herself over the wall, only stepping on it lightly to propel herself further. She stepped out of the way, then looked over at Sombra and Delta to see how they were doing after the jump. Wyatt looked over at Emerald, they were the last two on this side of the wall. "After you" he said in a playful manner, motioning his one paw as if to give a slight bow. Despite being tired and maybe a tiny bit grumpy about it, he could still be polite and have some fun while doing so.
"Might throw up again, I think I hold it down... Hope Wyatt and Emerald don't take too long..." Sombra said as he looked up at the wall. Watching at Delta struggled for a moment before he got himself up and then made his way down to him and Emery. Then he watched as Liri made her way up and down to them as well. Delta made his way down to Emery and Sombra after he had taken a moment to breath and relax his body. Siting down just behind the two, his head down and eyes closed. "How is it even possible to throw up again if you've already got rid of everything you ate..." Delta muttered to himself, the scurrying had given him the sick feeling again. "Because biology..." Sombra answered to Delta. Emerald giggled at Wyatt's playfulness "Aren't you such a gentleman" She smiled at him. She made her way to the wall and quickly jumped onto it, looking down seeing Liri, Emery, Sombra, and Delta gathered there waiting for them. Emerald jumped off the top and landed right next to Liri, "Now it's just Wyatt, then we can get these two to their beds"
Emery looked at him worriedly for a second, then looked back towards the wall. Waiting as they were joined by Delta, Liri and soon after Emerald. Wyatt approached the wall at a run in an attempt to make it a little easier. He made it to the top alright, but nearly slipped a little, needing to balance awkwardly for a moment so he didn't fall on his rear or face. Soon he was on the ground with the others, glad to have finally made it back. "Alright, let's get inside" Liri said once everyone was safely within the walls. She was mainly worried about getting Sombra and Delta settled, but also about getting caught out here in their wolf forms. She could hear the dogs getting a little restless, luckily they weren't in view from here.
Thankfully, their building wasn't too far from where the wall was, Sombra and Delta just had their heads down and dragged their paws as they walked. Relief flooding through their bodies when they reached one the open window in Sombra's room. One by one they each climbed into the room, Delta and Sombra being the last to enter and Emerald using her paws to shut the window. Finally, they were back and they were safe, and they hadn't been caught. Looking at the time they noticed it was now 3 in the morning, meaning they had been out for an hour and had 3 hours to get any more sleep or in Delta's case... Any sleep at all. Sombra wasted no time as he climbed onto his bed and nudged his way under the blanket, moving so that only his head stuck out. Now he could try and sleep off the nauseated feeling he and Delta had, they should be fine after 3 hours since that was definitely enough time to calm their mind and body down from the thought of eating so much raw meat. Sombra felt someone else climb or sit on his bed, he didn't care much to look and just closed his eyes to try and sleep. Seeing Sombra's bed made Delta not want to walk all the way to his own bed when he just need to lay down so badly. Ignoring the odd looks he was given as he did so, Delta climbed into Sombra's bed and curled up on top of the blanket. Now he didn't have to move for 3 hours and could just relax if he couldn't sleep again. Delta just closed his eyes at that point, not caring for much right now other than the bed. Edited at March 23, 2021 02:04 PM by Moonwing