As they walked past the battle area he looked at it, though she walked by fairly quickly. "I've thought of it. But at the same time I'm not certain that would be the smartest idea to force either pack to live with the other immediately. I was thinking starting with more graduall changes. But I haven't completely decided on what to do." He admitted feeling completely clueless on the topic of diplomacy. He could feel the ground getting colder as they walked over to their lead healer. "Well, does he make exceptions?" He asked, thinking he recognized the growl from coming inside causing his voice to elevate slightly and his tail to give a little wag. / (YOO 30 PAGE ANAVERSERY!!!) Edited at April 25, 2021 06:13 PM by AppleBottomJeans
Luna shook her head. "Kayleron has been stuck in his ways like this since I was a pup" she replied as she caught a glimpse of the old male. He looked ready to kill over any moment, and it often worried Luna since Storm Pack didnt have another healer. "Dont tell me you need healing again omega" he growled. "N-no sir. I am just showing Blue Jay around" she said as she lowered her head. "Maya is making him alpha of both packs tomorrow."
Kayleigh. Why does that name sound familiar. It's on the tip of my claw. He took a step closer to the den. Watching the shadow of the old wolf. He chuckled awkwardly as Luna explained the situation after he gave an agitated response to their being them. "She is correct, and I'm removing that system. It's so outdated." That was his second attempt of relaxing in this new environment and he hoped it payed off. / (Did you have a good day today?)
(Better than yesterday. XD) / Kayleron rolled his eyes before he spoke. "I dont care what you do as long as you keep that brat Nyra under control and you dont bother trying to replace me" he spat as Luna backed up. *Yep, usual cranky Kayleron* Luna thought as she looked at Blue Jay. It wasnt hard to tell that Kayleron was nearly blind and that healing was all he could do anymore.
(That's awesome to hear darling) / He couldn't really see anything but a general shape of the wolf. "No need to worry, even though out pack has a healer already, we find more collective knowledge of many is better then then one." He tried to assure him. Thinking of the female healer at home that may be able to cheer him up. He looked to Luna as she stepped back and gave a gentle laugh. "Well, thank you for your time sir, we'll leave you alone now and I hope you come to the ceremony tomorrow." He lowered his head to his new elder as a show of respect, thinking of how much wisdom he had to offer. He turned around to to face Luna. "Now will you actually show me the battle training area?" He gently pushed her as a joke.
(I mostly had to run around to other stores to grab what we needed.) / Luna looked at Blue Jay. "That pit the male called from, that was it" she replied. "Nothing like what you have." She gave a small shrug. "That pit is where the omegas play the weak opponent for the pups to learn off of, and if you accidentally hurt a pup, well, they make you weak for sure" was all she could really say about it. She looked at her paws, shuffling them slightly.
(So no mean bus? Sounds epic!) / He tilted his head extremely odded out. "But that is extremely inefficient. And so wrong on so many levels." He shook his coat, not trying to give in to tiredness and just thinking about it. "How do they teach defense then, or how to ambush effectively? Just no. I'm doing away with that." He reassured her as she was visibly uncomfortable by getting closer to her, just enough so he could feel her ghostly fur in the dim moonlight. "Okay, where do you want to go?" He tilted his head in her direction but didn't turn to her directly, to not run into anything.
(She wasnt working today.) / Luna thought for a moment before she motioned for him to follow. "I know a place that nobody else in the pack knows about" she said. She started padding north before she looked back at him. "Everyone is afraid to come up here because of a ghostly figure when the fog lights up in the full moon" she said with a smile. "Let's just say, they dont know who that figure is." She led him towards a hill and started making her way up it before she motioned to the small lake with fireflies dancing around.
(Awesome <3) / He stopped and smiled full of curiosity. "O really." He gave He a shove again before following her to a place he could only describe as dreamlike. The fireflies, fog mist, the moon. He turned with his eyes wide and his jaw slightly dropped. "O my goodness. This place..." His voice trailed off in am incomplete thought. Then since he knew no one was around, as the only smells where her and the dew in the air, he got in front of her and looked her directly in the eyes. "I have a serious question." He lowered his head slightly.
Luna tilted her head as she looked at him. She wondered what he was going to ask. "Um, alright" she said, trying to not show she was a bit nervous as to what he would be asking her, but then again, she was still getting used to his kindness. She sat down as she waited him him to ask, watching as she fireflies started to dance around a little more, the moon getting higher in the sky.