Lily "Keanu.. Hunting can be learned. Also it will be most healthy for you wont it? Think about it. I cant keep meat down without throwing up," she said. "Hunting might be best for you. Plus a farm would be a great place to practice that! Not even on farm animals but just animals that lurk around there," she suggested.
Keanu "I don't know what's healthy for me any more. I really don't I mean one minute I want yogurt and the next I'm throwing it up. I can't eat anything but meat anymore. And you know what the worst part is? Eating it raw because I need every bit of life a creature has to offer me!" He flicked his tail in annoyance then rubbed his face with his hand and sighed. He didn't snap often and lately he's been feeling more irritable then normal. *We need food and me snapping dosen't help us any." He thought as he looked at her waiting for her reaction. Already he could his guilt creeping in from yelling at her but it was to late.
Lily Lily touched his shoulder gently. "Hey. Its going to be okay. We just have to figure this out," she said softly. She made sure to not react in fear or shock when he snapped. She knew he could get irritated. She saw the guilt on his face. "We can figure it out," she said.
Keanu "I don't think it will be if I'm being honest." He looked her the eyes and stepped back far enough for her hand to fall from his shoulder. Clearing his throat he said "Well we umm best get going so we can come up with a decent plan. I mean there's got to be a farm nearby right?" He walked out of the building and turned to see if she was following. *Things are different now or atleast we are different in nature." He thought as he gave her faint smile. Honestly he was more concerned with making sure she got something to eat rather then himself.
Lily Lily followed reluctantly. She gave him a weak smile back. *Please, please come to your senses and eat.* She thought solemnly. "Im sure we can find a farm nearby. I hope so at least.." She said sounding like she was trying to convince herself of that fact. "Lets hope whatever we find has what we need."
Keanu He listened as she spoke but said nothing. Leading the way he found that walking was actually quite nice rather then sitting around. And the smell of animals in the air even when it was just a bird mad him hungry and filled him with peace. He hadn't seen nature in god only knows how long month years? After a couple hours of walking he saw a farm. "Hey lily what do you think? They might have crops some where on there land." He smiled at her and flicked his tail with joy. He'd finally done something right and now lily could possibley find something to eat.
Lily "Looks great to me!" Lily said happy to finally be there. "We can collect some veggies them see what we can find for you," she declared. Her ears were perked and her eyes were filled with excitement.
Keanu "We should wait until nightfall so have a less chance of being caught." He smiled at for a split second then let it fall. "I know this is random but should we try to get jobs?" He asked as he watched a cow walk by tailed by flies. *Poor thing. Is fly a repellent a thing?* He thought to himself before sitting on the grass outside the fence.
Lily Lily sat next to. "I think we should wait till dark yeah," she agreed. When he mentioned jobs her eyes widened. "Um..What could we do for jobs? Do either of us even know what we want to do?" She asked. "I-I wish I had a dream I could possibly follow. But I wish we were raised in a place I could have.." She murmured.
Keanu "I don't really know I mean we have no experience in anything." He sighed and pulled on his fingers for a minute before saying "That dosen't mean we can't try and find a dream now right. I mean we could definitely try to figure one out." He looked down at his hands again for a moment then looked back up at her. "Ironic but what if we tried to get jobs on a farm. We'd have access to veggies and meat. Plus we'd get to be around adorable farm animals." He said happily his tail flicked slightly.