Emery hesitated a little, then comtinued on to take a shower. Still not sure what was going on, but figuring the others had it covered. Liri quickly got to her feet and moved towards Sombra's room, keeping back so she wouldn't be in the way. "Well hurry up then" she urged. They had all been trained to break down doors, but she wasn't about to stop and argue about who was breaking it. If nightmares were bad enough, you could hurt yourself quiet badly. Plus there was a chance you could lose control and she'd like to avoid that. Wyatt got up aswell, ready to help incase it was necessary.
"Please be careful!" Emerald said as the three got up and headed twoards Sombra's room. She mentally reminded herself that she would have to work on her strength if she ever wanted to help out in one of these situations.
Delta walked over to Sombra's dooe with Liri, motioning for Wyatt to come closer. "Be ready to hold him down if needed" He said, Sombra did have a rather large wolf form due to his normal height. So it often meant that more than two people would have to hold him down if he lost control or was freaking out. Delta didn't waste anymore time and broke the lock on Sombra's room, pushing the door open only to met with another howl and a growl.
Sombra didn't even hear that his room was being broken into, usually he would espically with his sensitive ears. He was still on the floor and still tangled up in his blanket, as his paws twitched and turned onto his other side again. He howled again in and out of his dream, and added a growl to it.
Wyatt gave a nod and readied himself, a rare serious look settling over his features. Something that could be terrifying if directed at anyone specifically. The door was opened and for a few seconds he tensed, almost expecting an aggresive reaction. He eased up a little when he spotted Sombra still asleep on the floor, but remained ready. Liri approached a few steps with caution, ready to duck out of the way incase she was lunged at. "Sombra!" She called out, hoping to wake him out. Get him out of whatever nightmare he seemed to be having. "Wake up."
Delta stepped in after Lira, seeing Sombra on the floor tangled up in his blanket. He wondered what kind of dream he was having in order for him to have ended up on the floor and tangled in his blanket. Whaever was, they had to get him out of it before he lost control, "Sombra, wake up!" Delta said as he kept his distance.
Sombra's twitched when his friends called his name, was he hearing it right? Were his friends trapped in the cages he was dreaming of too? He whimpered at the thought of them being trapped too.
Delta sighed, the only to wake Sombra seemed to be by touch and that was a risk. A 50/50 chance of them scaring Sombra awake and him losing control, and him not losing control. "I'm gonna wake him"
Liri was about to offer to wake him isntead, but decided to let him do it. She had taken her turn with an out of control werewolf the day before, he could take that risk today. "Don't lean over him" she warned, knowing it was far more intimidating to wake up from a nightmare to a figure leaning over you. It would increas the chances of him panicking or going out of control. She planned to stay put, but was caught off guard by Wyatt gently pulling her back and taking her place. Wyatt watched the situation skeptically for a moment, then decided to step in get Liri out of the way. He had watched her get bitten the day before, he wasn't going to stand by and be useless again. There was ofcourse the chance the Sombra would wake up alright, but he wasn't goinf to risk it. Emery came out of the showers, dressed in fresh clothes and hair still damp. She paused for a moment and glanced from the group crowded around Sombra's room to Emerald. "What's going on?" She asked worriedly, moving to her friend.
Emerald looked over at Emery as she walked out of the showers. "They're going to wake Sombra" She answered, "He was the one howling, so he's in his wolf form. So that means he has a chance of losing control" Emerald looked back at Sombra's room, "So thats why all 3 of them are over there, just in case..."
Delta nodded to what Liri said and kneeled down beside Sombra. "I honestly hate 50/50 chances." He said before putting a hand on Sombra's shoulder and nudging him a little. "Sombra. Wake up you're having a nightmare" He saw that after a moments of nudging Sombra woke with a start and of course he started to panic. He put his arms around Sombra's and held him as he thrashed about "Wyatt help me hold him before he hurts himself!! Liri calm him down!" Delta ordered.
It took Sombra a few moments for him to realize he was being nudged awake. He woke up panicked as in the dream he was still trapped and in the waking world he trapped tangled in the blanket. Sombra started to thrash around and whimpered as he tried to get free, not even registering that Delta, Wyatt, and Liri were in the room. His eyes were still the ember color and not black, at least that was a good sign.
Emery listened to what Emerald said, then turned her attention back to the others. Standing completely still and watching, frightened of what might happen. She would tell them to be careful, but didn't want to distract them. Wyatt wasted no time in following his given order, lunging forwards and wrapping his arms around Sombra to help Delta hold him. His sturdy weight and strength being of some good use for once. Liri darted forwards, crouching infront of him. "Sombra, calm down. It was just a nightmare. You're okay. You've just gotten yourself tangled in the blanket" she said firmly, though a soothing tone in her voice. Making sure she was in his line of sight and simply explaining what was happening as a way for him to hear a familiar voice. In a moment he wasn't thrashing too much, she reached forwards with both hands to hold his head still. Contact was good and it would hopefully also help him pause for a moment to think.
Delta found it easier to keep Sombra from thrasing too much now that Wyatt was helping. Keeping him from thrasing too much would also help Liri talk to him, he knew to stay quiet so that Sombra could only focus on one voice and one voice only.
Sombra looked around franticly as he tried to get free, he felt even more restrained. His ears perked up at a voice, his eyes focusing on Liri who was suddenly in front of him. Sombra closed his eyes when she had put her hands on his head, he stopped thrashing for a moment as he just listened to her speak. Making him think about what she was saying, he was tangled in his blanket, and he was just having a nightmare.
Liri let herself relax as he did. It wouldn't help if she was tense aswell. "There. You're fine. Delta and Wyatt are here too. They're just making sure you don't hurt yourself" she continued speaking, her voice becoming softer now that she had his attention. "It was just a bad dream" she repeated gently, reminding him that it was over just incase. Wyatt held on firmly, keeping quiet aswell. It was a relief to feel the thrashing start to ease up. But he kept on guard, having had his lesson about getting distracted before. He didn't plan on slipping up here.
Sombra opened his eyes and looked behind him, now he could feel Delta's and Wyatt's arms wrapped around his body holding him down. Turning his attention back to Liri, saying that it just a bad dream he was having. "...just...a nightmare..." He repeated as he fully calmed down.
After a few moments, Delta spoke up "Have you calmed down enough so that we can let you?" He asked Sombra, who resoponded with a nod "yes...Thank you for holding me down" Sombra had said to both Delta and Wyatt. Delta nodded to Wyatt for him to let go too when Delta moved his arms and started to untangle Sombra from his blanket.