Tony and Winter both walked after Shruikan. -- Darkspot watched as Shruikan went to the two kits,
Badger woke up as he sensed Shruikan padding towards him. He yowled in alarm, shrinking away. He bumped into the side of the cage. He growled softly. Shruikan smiled malevolently. "Verda one medh sundavr!" Become one with shadow. (cant find the word one in the anchient language)
(Wow) Darkspot got out of her den she watched Shruikan with the kits. She knew that she was a rare find but she couldn't be turned full shadow she has no light tribe intrats in her but yet her white tipped tail and her spots on her back that is like a fawn and a white spot around her eye stay the same so everyone calls her an outcast she still doesn't understand why. -- Winter and tony watched
Badger yowled as his pelt turned darker gray. It was still striped, but it was a darker gray.
Darkspot was surpised. -- Tony and winter smiled
Mack's fur bristled. He stared at Badger.
Badger's eyes turned to slits, and they turned ice-blue. His fur was wilder, spiky and ruffled. His mouth drew back in a snarl.
Darkspot went inside of her den -- Tony and winter sighed
Brisingr yawned. Smoke wafted out of his nostrils.
Mack shrank back. What happened to him?