Darkspot flicked her tail. -- Fox looked at them before looking back at him.
Dark's body pierced a rock on his way down. He roared in pain, falling limp. Wildcat was luckier. Her fall was broken by the water, hitting it like a brick. She snarled, struggling to the surface. She made it appear that she had drowned. The current took her far, far away. Brisingr crawled up next to her, squeaking. He closed his eyes, falling asleep.
Darkspot smiled she moved him inside of her den and she layed down next to him and Kiger and she put her wings over them smiling
Brisingr hummed in his sleep. Halfmask smiled. "I believe we've met?" he asked.
Fosx flicked her tail. she couldn't remember and she hissed at him. -- Darkspot smiled
Halfmask flinched. He facepawed, cursing. He showed her what happened after she left on her nightmare dragon after Wildcat and Dark snatched Mack and Badger. He showed Blue and him conversing, and him giving her two microchips, one for Blue and one for Fox. He flicked on the microchip that he had, talking to Blue. "She doesn't remember," he muttered, rolling his eyes. Brisingr's belly moved up, and down, up, and down. Badger mewed pitfully, knowing clawing at the cage was no use. His gaze flickered to Mack. He then glared at the Shadow Tribe members when they passed him. He tried to bite one, but was too far away. He snarled.
Fox flicked her tail. Blue tried to give Half mask a message about fox she forgot to tell him. -- Darkspot sighed. She rested her head on the ground.
Halfmask lashed his tail in annoyance, turning away.
Blue sighs. "well fox is sttubborn and she doesn't know how to trust that easily."
Kiger woke up and let out a cute yawn. Stalker spotted this and looked at the shape behind the cat and chuckled and turned to her brother and said "Look who the cat is despreatly trying to protect." Shadow smiled a maviolent smile and started forward. Thorn yowled in warning