Zodiac sniff the air she flicked her tail. "Whats that smell?" she tilted her head. -- Darkspot sighs "i have to move i little away so she doesn't end up smelling my scent instead." she then went back into the forest
Halfmask nodded. perfect. He padded closer to the valley. He Then checked back to see if Darkspot was watching. Knight growled as Halfmask came closer to him. The scent was intoxicating. He let out a small cough, not loud enough for anyone to hear.
Darkspot wasn't watching she was looking around -- Zoidac got more of the scent and she looked around to find out where the scent was coming from. since she is a nightmare dragon she would work for whoever she claims as trust worthy without needing to be tamed
(what if the leader catches halfmask trying to help zodiacinstead of luring her away? :D plot thickening) halfmask moved closer. Knight growled.
(That works now that i think about it this is the most long lasting plot we had in a while and this one is fun.) Zodiac looked at Halfmask. she knew the scent came from him so she went towards him -- The leader went to watch them catch the nightmare fire dragon
Yes it is XD) Halfmask stayed where he was. When she came closer, he bolted, making an illusion that he was heading towards the crystals, which Zodiac couldn't see, but in reality he was going towards somewhere else. (then the illusion Will stop working for some reason :D) Knight started cursing.
(Wait what does that mean can she see the illusion or not?) Zodiac flicked her tail. she kept moving -- the leader was surpised.
(no, because if she did, she would head towards the crystals, and the leader can see that he was heading towards the crystals and completing his task. Also, the illusion is Zodiac chasing after him too, going towards the Crystal, but she really isn't.) Halfmask felt his power drain. Suddenly, the illusion disappeared. He swore under his breath, then pretended He was lost, and went back in the direction of the crystals. But that made him really suspicious. Knight, hidden, swiftly chase after them.
(no, because if she did, she would head towards the crystals, and the leader can see that he was heading towards the crystals and completing his task. Also, the illusion is Zodiac chasing after him too, going towards the Crystal, but she really isn't.) Halfmask felt his power drain. Suddenly, the illusion disappeared. He swore under his breath, then pretended He was lost, and went back in the direction of the crystals. But that made him really suspicious. Knight, hidden, swiftly chased after them.
Zodiac just kept following him. -- the leader watched him -- winger summer and crysatl were hiding in a tree (I haveidea maybe the elader could kidnap winger, crystal and summer and then zoidac goes and gets herself caught to save them but then your character frees them?)