
Evan made his way back to the tent, the heat billowing in his face just like before. "Hey. Can I get some more bait? 19 worms this time, another bucket of crickets, a rotting and four fresh meat chunks." He paused. He could experiment a bit. And some of the trapping quests might benefit from having bait on hand. Might as well stock up now. "Five bones and turnips each, a bucket of veggies, and two catfish." He began counting out his pinecones when something caught his eye. A mammoth steak? A shark had gone for regular meat chunks. "What would you catch with that?" Edited at July 7, 2024 09:32 PM by Red River Wolves

Scout blinked in suprise at the huge order but happily puts together a bucket for you. And she grins at the mention of the mammoth steak. "Ha! That'll catch you some titans! Fish and creatures bigger than you or I combined." She shrugged and continued putting together your order. "Ive never tried it myself. Want one?"

Titans? Evan had some reservations about attempting to catch something that big but curiousity got the best of him. He could always cut the line if it got too hairy. "Sure" He counted out 20 more pinecones.

Scout nodded and pushed your order towards you after adding the mammoth steak. "Also, the turnips, bones, veggies and catfish aren't for fish, they're for things on Yip's trapping list. Our in the forest." She warned -You've spent 100 pinecones!- Edited at July 8, 2024 12:14 AM by Sunset Ghosts

Evan nodded. "I was thinking of picking up one of those before attempting anything... too dangerous." He stowed his recently-purchased items before remembering something. "I pull this out of the sea. Is it still good for anything?" He showed Scout the sword.

Scout nodded as she took it to examine it. "Yea, you can totally still use this. Handles still solid, still pretty sharp. You've even got some cool barnacles on here. It's a nice piece." She says, before offering it back to you carefully

Evan carefully tucked the sword away and gathered the rest of his things. "Thanks" He said and headed out.

Scout nodded and waved goodbye as you left before turning back to her anvil

Rocky - canine steping into the tent , he feels the heat hit his fur . " hello Scout , it's been a bit , I would like to buy some bait , 10 worms on a hook and 2 fresh meat chunks please" spoke the blue wolf as he got the pinecones out to pay for the bait
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Scout nodded and made up a bucket for you with a distant look on her face. "No problem!" -You've spent 20 pinecones- She then eyed your bag and flattened her ears. "Those big teeth would make some fine arrowheads. I'll make them for you for a fed of 5 pinecones each, or I'll buy them from you for 20 pinecones each." -You've been offered a deal!- 3 Dinosaur Bone Arrows (30DPH no matter what bow) or 60 pinecones . You May also choose to keep them or make jewelry for you or your pets for the same fee Edited at July 9, 2024 08:25 PM by Sunset Ghosts